Hello all,

After several positive reports from testers, and following shortly after
the security releases on Wednesday, the 3.1 release candidate has been
rolled over to become the official 3.1.0 release.  As expected, the only
changes from RC to 3.1.0 were the template security patches and minor
upgrade script changes to account for the 3.0.6 upgrade script.

As I've mentioned in past emails, my hope and goal is to carry over the
momentum from this release into the 3.1 maintenance phase.  With this in
mind, here is a list of bugs currently targeted at 3.1.1:


Unfortunately, this list is currently not representative of the challenges
before us.  Our tracking system prioritizes testing coordination, and this
makes some sense, as it is the phase of development where our community
standards require involvement from multiple individuals (via the multiple
sign-off requirement).  We should, however, also consider how we might
increase awareness of important bugs earlier in the development process.  I
will be sending a separate email with a modest proposal along these lines.

Once again, thank you to everyone who participated in getting 3.1.0 out the
door.  I look forward to continuing to work together to ensure that
Evergreen meets the needs of everyone involved.


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