
I'm not sure if we ever understood this. Can Evergreen limit the number of holds for a group of circulation modifiers?

We have a hold policy that limits circulation modifier "DVD" to a max of 5 holds. We have another policy that is not narrowed to a circulation modifier and has a limit of 50.

We are finding that if a patron has 5 non-DVD's on hold and attempts to put a DVD on hold, it will be blocked. Verified by this query:

select * from action.hold_request_permit_test(111,111,256497,260920,260920)

It was not successful citing max_holds as the reason.

Is it possible to configure the system in such a way to limit a patron's holds on each group of circulation modifiers?

5 DVD's
5 Media
50 anything else

We would expect the system to count up the number of pre-existing holds that are for items with circulation modifiers of DVD's and compare that to the max hold setting for the matching rule on the incoming hold request. And not just a total number of pre-existing holds.

Conducting Magic

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