Hi All,

The Web Team met today (via conference call).  Attendees included: Amy
Terlaga, Anoop, June Rayner, Galen, Jim Craner, Ben Shum, Kate Sheehan,
Steve Wills and Lori Ayre.

Since the topic had just come up on the General Mailing List (via an email
from Suzanne Lipscomb of ESI letting people know about upcoming development
to be done with Bibliomation to provide Syndetics integration), we talked
about how to make it easier for people to keep abreast of who's doing what
in terms of development. After much discussion, it was decided that Lori,
Steve, Amy and Galen would propose a protocol for people to use that would
be easy and help ensure that people could find info about development
projects underway as well as development projects being pursued or just
vaguely of interest.  The sub-committee will focus on using existing
resources (Launchpad, Wiki, Mailing Lists) and come up with suggestions.
 The Web Team will share the recommended protocol with the Community and
seek feedback.  Your ideas are welcome too!

We discussed the need for some minor revisions to the Communication
Guidelines.  June and Ben will work on those changes.  Then we'll get Chris
Sharp or Jason to have those guidelines automatically sent out once a month
on the General List.  One tweak we'll make is to make explicit the idea
that the General List is the one list that all "silos" (to use the term we
were using at the Conference) should be reporting back to.  In other words,
as we all do our work on other mailing lists, phone calls, IRC,
etc....always remember to update the General List with info about your
activities.  We're trying to connect those wonderfully productive silos of

Speaking of which, we are proud to have had the first Newsletter come out
already!  Yay, Amy!  The next one will also include a development update
which will including a little something about what is happening in IRC as
well as what folks are doing out in the community so send your info to the
General List or Amy directly.  This will be easier to keep track of once we
get the aforementioned protocol established.

Finally, we talked about the idea of mocking up a website that addresses
the work the Web Team has done so far in terms identifying the differing
needs of the various "personas" that  make up our community.  Jim Craner,
Steve Wills, Anoop, and Lori will take the next step.  Exactly what that
next step is wasn't clear but something like a site architecture or
wireframe I think. Stay tuned!

The next meeting of the Web Team will be June 14th at 2pm EST (11am PST).
Call in number:  866 365 4406 / 3693433#
Jump into the IRC channel for that meeting as well (Info about how to do
that is here: http://evergreen-ils.org/irc.php)

Lori Ayre

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