Hello all,

The Evergreen Outreach Committee has decided under its umbrella of
providing information to those in and outside the community to take on
ourselves the cleaning up of the Wiki.  We are not the first to walk down
this path.  Dan Wells, Angela Kilsdonk, and others have put critical work
into keeping the wiki healthy but like many things, it's a job that needs
periodic effort.

And it is a big job and we are only a handful of souls so I would like to
extend an invitation to anyone who would like to join us for it.  Our next
meeting is Wednesday, September 2nd,⋅2:00 – 3:00pm Eastern.

Join with Google Meet
Join by phone
‪(US) +1 337-441-4148‬ PIN: ‪125 363 025‬#

At that meeting, we will start coordinating and planning the process so
anyone who wants to join us for the project is welcome.  We will be
breaking the project down into manageable subtasks so it's a great project
for people with limited time but want to contribute.

Rogan Hamby, MLIS

Data and Project Analyst

Equinox Open Library Initiative

phone:  1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)

email:  ro...@equinoxinitiative.org
web:  http://EquinoxInitiative.org

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