Hi all,

I sent an email to the catalogers list last week noting a few Cataloging
bugfixes that Equinox wrote patches for at last week's hackfest. [1]
Additionally, there were several other Cataloging-related bugs that Equinox
employees wrote patches for over the past few weeks. [2]  These were all
done as community bugfixes.

I also circulated a list of further bugs that need addressing in order to
improve Cataloging in the web client.  Based on feedback from the
Cataloging Interest Group and others in the community, I have revised the


Equinox is seeking funding partners to address these bugs as part of a
Cataloging Bugfix project.  We are committed to addressing as many of the
bugs on this list as possible with the funding we secure, with the goal of
including these in the 3.2 release (and backported as appropriate).  We
will be creating a public testing environment where these patches can be
tested as they are completed.  Anyone who is interested in signing on to
this project, please contact me on- or off-list as is your preference.

I'm also happy to answer any questions anyone might have.


Web client: Missing functionality to create empty volume --
Web Client : Show empty volumes [i.e. libraries] Holdings view --
Web Client: fool proof transferring vol/copy process --
Webstaff holdings view: call numbers without copy can trigger exception --
Web client: holdings view checkboxes issues --

Webstaff MARC editor: strangeness during certain modes of editing the 008
field -- https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1765501
Export of records as marcxml does not provide file to download --
Web client: Z39.50 display issue for Remove MARC Field Groups --
Webstaff MARC editor can spam requests for fixed field metadata --
Trailing spaces cause located URIs to be invalid --

Andrea Buntz Neiman
Project Manager for Software Development
Equinox Open Library Initiative
1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
*www.equinoxinitiative.org <http://www.equinoxinitiative.org>*

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