
So I set up an evergreen server following the instructions here:
http://docs.evergreen-ils.org/2.11/ some months back and loaded sample data
(concerto). I got back to work on it today, and when I use the search by
database ID option, I get the internal server error on my screen. I have
confirmed the ID does exist in the database. Anyone else ever experienced
this, or has a remedy for it? The 3 lines below appeared in the logs at the
time I was searching: 


Nov  6 08:52:15 ubuntu-evergreen root: - - [06/Nov/2017:08:50:05
+0200] "GET
HTTP/1.1" 500 982

Nov  6 08:53:10 ubuntu-evergreen apache2[13620]: [perl:warn] [pid 13620]
[client] egweb: template error: undef error - Can't use an
undefined value as an ARRAY reference at
/usr/local/share/perl/5.22.1/OpenILS/WWW/EGCatLoader/Util.pm line 102.\n

Nov  6 08:53:10 ubuntu-evergreen root: - - [06/Nov/2017:08:52:09
+0200] "GET /eg/opac/record/100 HTTP/1.1" 500 2552


Searching the catalog won't work either as when I click on a title, the page
takes an unbelievable amount of time to load, then brings up the search
screen as in the attached screenshot. 

Some help will be appreciated. 





Chazya Sinkamba, Dip AME, BIT(c)

Programmer Associate


chazya.sinkamba[at]northrise.net | m: +260 964 350 487 | p: +260 212 622 195
| f: +260 212 622 198


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