We are pleased to announce that Crystal Martin will be the keynote speaker
at the Evergreen Conference!

Crystal is an IT consultant at Slalom, a co-organizer of Strange Loop
Conference, and diversity in tech/business advocate. As a Detroit Public
Schools graduate, Crystal is passionate about equal access to education at
all levels. She came to St. Louis as a 2010 Teach For America Corps Member
and taught middle school math in St. Louis Public Schools for four years.
After her time in the classroom, she wanted to explore a career that would
allow her to bring together her love for creativity, science, and community
and technology was just that! Crystal likes to call herself a “developing
developer”, she’s a lifetime learner and is currently digging into
JavaScript and Salesforce and fighting the patriarchy and imposter syndrome
one key stroke at a time. She holds a B.S. in Nutritional Sciences from
Michigan State University and an M.Ed. in Secondary Education from the
University of Missouri-St. Louis, which goes to show, college degrees
matter, but they really don’t.


Don't forget!  In order to hear Crystal, network with other Evergreen
folks, and attend our great slate of sessions, you must register for the

Early Bird registration ends on Friday, February 16.

More information on the conference can be found on the conference

Still have questions?  Email the Conference Committee at  evergreen

Debbie Luchenbill
Evergreen Coordinator
111 E. Broadway, Ste. 220
Columbia, MO  65203
deb...@mobiusconsortium.org <debo...@mobiusconsortium.org>
https://mobiusconsortium.org <http://mobiusconsortium.org>
Missouri Evergreen Help Desk: h...@mobiusconsortium.org / 877-312-3517

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