The deadline for submitting an application for a pre-conference presentation 
has been extended to Monday, November 26th. If you are eager to share your 
expertise on an Evergreen topic and want to go a little more in-depth, the 
pre-conference, which will take place on April 24th, is the perfect 
opportunity. For more information and to apply, go here:

We look forward to reading your applications.

2019 Evergreen International Conference Program Committee

On behalf of the 2019 Evergreen International Conference Planning Committee, I 
would like to announce the official call for proposals for the 2019 conference 
and pre-conferences being held in Valley Forge, PA from April 24 - 27, 2019.

The criteria for submitting program proposals for the 2019 Evergreen 
International Conference and the link to the submission form are available at: 

There are four tracks under which you may submit a proposal:

*         End user: best practices and techniques for using Evergreen in 
day-to-day library operations.

*         General: programs on training, making the decision to move to 
Evergreen, participating in the Evergreen community, and other topics related 
to using Evergreen and open source software in consortial and standalone 

*         Management/Leadership: programs related to the administration, 
management, and leadership of Evergreen systems and staff.

*         Technical: topics related to system administration, software 
development, implementation, hardware, and integration with other software.

You may also submit proposals for Pre-Conference workshops.  Pre-Conference 
workshops are 3 hours long, in order to go more in-depth on the topic or 
training.  They take place the day before the conference begins (April 24, 
2018) and are offered at an additional registration cost.  There are slots for 
four pre-conference workshops.  Note:  Pre-Conference proposals are due earlier 
than other proposals.

Instructions for Submitting Proposals:

1.    All submissions must include a session title, short description 
appropriate for the conference program (no more than 200 words), and the names, 
institutions, job titles and email addresses of those who will be presenting 
the material at the conference.

2.    Indicate your intended program track (End User, General, 
Management/Leadership, Pre-Conference, or Technical) and presumed technical 
expertise of your audience (None, Low, Moderate, High).

3.    List any technology requirements.

4.    Fill out the submission form - 2019 Program Submission 

5.    The deadline for submitting pre-conference proposals is Friday, November 
16, 2018.  The deadline for submitting all other proposals is Friday, December 
7, 2018.

For a more extensive list of possible program ideas, please visit the 

If you have questions regarding the submission process or questions about 
proposals in general, please feel free to contact the Program Committee at  We look forward to hearing from 

2019 Evergreen International Conference Program Committee:

Garry Collum - Kenton County Public Library

Debbie Luchenbill - MOBIUS

Terran McCanna - Georgia PINES

Lugene Shelly - Spark / PaILS

Scott Thomas - Spark / PaILS

Scott Thomas
Executive Director
(717) 873-9461<>
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