Hello Everyone, I'm trying to find out what the most efficient way to place 
title level holds for one patron is, when you have a pile of copies in front of 
you that you want to place the holds on.

This type of situation comes up enough at our branches that staff have been 
asking me if there is a better method.  A customer brings their 15 DVD's to the 
desk that are due and says, "I didn't get a chance to watch these movies, can 
you place me on the hold list so I can have them again later."  These items are 
high demand so they are going to fill other holds which is why the customer 
cannot just check them out again.

The options we know of have many redundant steps, and can take several minutes 
to complete:

1.       Checking the items or scan them into item status list view.  Select 
them all and choose view in catalog.  Then one by one go to each tab and place 
a title level hold, entering the patron's barcode for each tab.

2.       Pull up the patron's account and go to the hold tab.  Click the "Place 
Hold" button and then for each item switch to numeric search, field = item 
barcode and scan in the copy.  Then place a title level hold.

Is there any way for staff to go from a list of copies to a Catalog Temporary 
List, where you can place holds for all the titles in batch?

We have looked at the checking/item status context menu "Request Item" function 
also.  But that will only place copy, recall and force level holds, and doesn't 
allow hold notifications to be enabled.  It may work in a few situations where 
copy holds might work, and no notifications are needed.


Lake Agassiz Regional Library - Moorhead MN larl.org
Josh Stompro     | Office 218.233.3757 EXT-139
LARL IT Director | Cell 218.790.2110

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