Hi all,

I'm sending along another set of development requirements for community feedback and questions. The MassLNC Development Initiative is considering funding for a project to allow users to sort holdings by geographic proximity. The user can either manually enter their current location or click a location marker to have their browser automatically detect their location. An Evergreen site could also set their catalog to default to sorting by geographic location, in which case the preferred library or other criteria might be used to identify the default location. There is also an option to display holdings a map.

The full set of requirements is available at http://masslnc.org/node/3404.

Feel free to send along any feedback you might have! We're hoping to begin seeking quotes for this and the patron note consolidation project (https://markmail.org/message/7itgyexmbzrfjg7g) very soon.

Also, many thanks to the MassLNC development partners who provided feedback to create these initial requirements and/or are providing funding for this projects: CW MARS, NOBLE, Bibliomation, BC Libraries, Georgia PINES, Evergreen Indiana, Lake Agassiz Regional Library / Northwest Regional Library and Howe Library.


Kathy Lussier
Project Coordinator
Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative
(508) 343-0128
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kmlussier

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