Thank you to everyone who has already registered to vote! To be eligible
to vote in the elections, you must either be an individual who has
contributed code, documentation, or other work to the Evergreen Project, or
you must be employed by an institution that is contributing to the project
by virtue of running Evergreen. Registration is available through tomorrow,
April 12, 2019:

* <>*

This year's elections will fill five Board seats - four with 3-year terms,
and one with a 1-year term. Voting will begin next Monday - everyone who
has registered will receive an email with a unique voting link from OpaVote
to ensure accurate and anonymous vote tracking. In my previous email I said
you'd vote for your top three candidates, but we've actually decided to go
with a ranked system where you will place all candidates in the order you

The complete list with brief bios is available here:


Please let me know if you have any questions!

Terran (on behalf of the Evergreen Oversight Board)

Terran McCanna, PINES Program Manager

Georgia Public Library Service | University System of Georgia

1800 Century Place NE Suite 580 l Atlanta, GA 30345

(404) 235-7138 | |


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