We want to start a pilot program with local students who will NOT be required 
to have their parents present to get a library card, something we require for 
all juveniles currently. I'd like to change/add the minimum number of 
policies/thresholds to make the new card work.

Our regular juvenile and adult cards have a circulation limit of 25 items total 
(with some lower circ mod limits on items such as movies, e-readers). The new 
student card will have a really small circulation limit (3-4 items total) with 
the same circ mod limits as other larger-checkout-limit cards.

So, I'm thinking that since the only thing MORE restrictive for this new 
student card type is the circulation limit, I can get away with only creating 
the new Permission Group and then setting up Group Penalty Thresholds 
PATRON_EXCEENDS_OVERDUE_COUNT)...... In other words, can I avoid setting up 
Circulation Policies for each circ mod for this new user group (because they 
will follow all the same rules as the parent user group)?

Thanks for your guidance! Last time we created new circulation policies we 
broke everything and the whole library came to screeching halt (couldn't even 
check out items!). So I'm a little apprehensive anytime I have to make 
changes/additions in there.


Holly Brennan
Technology Specialist
Homer Public Library
Homer, Alaska

907-435-3154 (direct)
907-235-3180 (main desk)

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