
I have had a look at it and reported my findings at Launchpad (see https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1629078). I'm pasting them here just in case anybody has an idea how to fix it (we test web client for Evergreen 2.10.7):

"I have extracted a couple of strings from web_staff_translation2.jpg and have checked the translation files at Launchpad to see where these are included.

It seems that those strings that are included in the "webstaff" translation file are correctly translated in the interface. Example: "Telefonní číslo přes den" ("Day Phone" in English).

However, those which are not included in the "webstaff" translation file are not translated in the web client interface. Examples: "Internet Access Level" (contained in the "fm-idl.dtd" translation file) or "Privilege Expiration Date" (also contained in the "fm-idl.dtd" translation file).

Could that be the reason why some strings fail to show up as translated? And if so, how could it be fixed?"

In other words, the question seems to be the following:

Does the web client know where to look for the appropriate translations?



On 29.9.2016 21:07, Cerninakova Eva wrote:
Hi all

we have a great opportunity to arrange the long term project workshop starting next week in which students of Information science at Charles University of Prague will write Czech documentation for Evergreen web staff client.

Unfortunately when we launched web staff client in order to test it, the interface turned out to be almost untranslated. When trying to trace the roots of the problem we have identified two areas:

1) Some language strings remain untranslated even if there is no reason why they should not be translated (according to our limited knowledge). The strings in tt2 files seems to be O.K., translations are available in the web staff client localization file (/openils/var/data/locale/staff/cs-CZ.po) and translation in the OPAC on the same Evergreen installation are being applied smoothly (for details see https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1629078). Moreover, some minor parts of the web staff client are shown translated - which is a real mystery. We are not sure whether there is any other settings (or whatever else) to be done for the web staff client proper localization except the localization settings in Apache?

2) Some portions of translation of the web staff client are untranslated because the translation strings are not part of the cs-CZ.po localization file. As they are not in the "webstaff" translation template in Launchpad at all, I wonder whether some parts of web staff had not been included to Lauchpad or whether translation for some parts of the web staff are stored in any other place then the "staff" directory (similarly as it is for the current staff client) and the core of the problem lies elsewhere?

Without Czech translation it is pointless to start working on Czech web staff client documentation (which mean we will probably miss the opportunity arrange the student project workshop) so we would really appreciate any quick help or hint how to solve or patch the problem.

Thanks in advance


Mgr. Eva Cerniňáková
cer...@jabok.cz <mailto:cer...@jabok.cz>
Tel. +420 211 222 409

Knihovna Jabok
http:/knihovna.jabok.cz <http://knihovna.jabok.cz>
Tel.  +420 211 222 410

Jabok - Vyšší odborná škola sociálně pedagogická a teologická
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