On 08/14/2012 01:20 AM, parveen kumar wrote:
> Aug  6 12:13:09 master kernel:  connection1:0: iscsi: detected conn
> error (1011)
> Aug  6 12:13:09 master iscsid: Kernel reported iSCSI connection 1:0
> error (1011) state (3)

1011 is a generic error. We do not really know what happened yet.

> Aug  6 12:13:33 master iscsid: connect failed (113)
> Aug  6 12:13:39 master iscsid: connect failed (113)

It looks like we lose the network connection. 113 is "No route to host".

> Aug  6 18:26:09 master kernel:  session1: iscsi: session recovery timed
> out after 120 secs

Looks like the problem is pretty severe. We try to relogin to the target
for 2 minutes, but cannot even connect to it due to the network issue above.

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