Releasing OpenJPA has been created by Marc Prud'hommeaux (Nov 08, 2006).


Making an OpenJPA Release

These instructions guide through the steps of making an official OpenJPA release.


  1. You must have shell access to
Developers using Linux workstations can skip over the references to PuTTY and Cygwin

Each time

(There are also one-time setup instructions)

1 Update the POMs to remove "-SNAPSHOT" from the version
2 Commit the POM changes
3 Tag the release by making a SVN copy of the head or designated revision
svn copy -r ###### 
  -m "Tag r###### as Struts #.#.#"
4 Assemble the release
mvn clean install site -P xwork,plugins,apps,all,pre-assembly
cd assembly 
mvn assembly:assembly
5 Sign the release artifacts (in assembly/target/assembly/out)
gpg --armor --output --detach-sig 
openssl md5 < >
6 pscp the artifacts and signatures to
7 Deploy the artifacts to our Maven repository
mvn deploy -P apps,plugins,pre-assembly
  Prune any obsolete snapshots from p.a.o://www/
8 Update the POMs to next version number and add the "-SNAPSHOT" suffix
9 Commit the POM changes
10 Deploy the new snapshot
mvn -N install
11 Add the next version to our issue tracker for scheduling new features and fixes

One time

Create and install a SSH key

1 Install PuTTY
2 Use PuttyGen to create a SSH key (see Putty help for details)
3 Use PuTTY to ssh to
4 Create a ~/.ssh folder
5 pscp your SSH public key to ~/authorized_keys
6 ssh to p.a.o
7 Create a ~\.ssh folder and move authorized_keys there
8 Configure putty to use your private key and save the session

Create a PGP key

1 Install cgywin, including utils/gpg
2 Generate a key with $ gpg --gen-key
3 Backup your cygwin home directory to another media
4 Add your key to

Update Maven settings for our servers

1 Create a settings.xml under .m2 (in your Document and Settings folder)
<settings xmlns=""
    <!-- Uncomment this when the 'central' repo on ibiblio is down 
         See: -->
    <!-- mirrors>
    </mirrors -->

Expose a copy of known hosts to Maven

1 From cygwin, ssh to, save the public key if prompted, and exit
  cygwin will save the known hosts to your ~/.ssh folder, but the script cannot access it there (from Windows)
2 From cygwin (not Windows) create another .ssh folder at
3 Copy the known_hosts file to the new .ssh folder


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