I could not figure this out in reading the OpenJPA documentation.

We have just the one database and set of tables, but we need to have two separate Connection Pools to the same database in order to have two different userid's.

(We want to set the priorities on the database differently for access by the two different usernames).

One is to be used for updates and short queries, and the other for queries expected to give large result sets.

In these circumstances, is it possible to use the Data Cache and the Query Cache?

I am worried that if a new entity / data row is created in the Data Cache under one userid/pool/connectionFactory, it will not show up in the Query Cache for the other userid/pool/connectionFactory if a query is done.

Thanks and if this is off-topic please let me know.

Maybe the thing to do would be to have a cache enabled for the userid/pool/connectionFactory used for short queries and updates, but no cache for the userid/pool/connectionFactory?


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