Also it appears that the Broker be loading classes from the thread context class loader when persist is called.


On Dec 27, 2006, at 5:34 PM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:

I've been working on a getting JPA runtime enhancement and have run into a problem where OpenJPA is loading my classes from the wrong class loader. When I create a persistence unit info it supplies a specific class loader for OpenJPA to use when resolving application classes. When I execute a query the JPQLExpressionBuilder simply uses getClass().getClassLoader() to load classes. In my case this is the system class loader which contains unenhanced classes and not the class loader for the persistence unit which has properly enhanced classes.

It is my understand that OpenJPA should use the class loader obtained from the PersistenceUnitInfo for all class loading. Is this correct?

If that is correct, is this a bug in OpenJPA?


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