We would love to accept patches for these issues.

Especially for the segfault. However, we are interested also in amending the test suite so it can pass on any Linux system.


On 03/16/2016 11:35 AM, S, Gautam wrote:
Hi folks,

I am building and trying to test openscap on SLES SP3. Upon running
“make check”, there are a few places where the test cases fail.

1)Process58 probe failures

Making check in process58

make[3]: Entering directory

make  check-TESTS

make[4]: Entering directory


+ Ensure that selinux_domain_label is collected               [ WARN ]

+ Ensure that tty number is translated into name              [ FAIL ]

+ Ensure loguid return unsigned int (cat /proc/ID/loginuid)   [ FAIL ]

+ Ensure sessionid is correct                                 [ FAIL ]

+ Ensure capabilities with OVAL 5.11                          [ FAIL ]

+ Ensure that command_line is collected                       [ FAIL ]


See tests/probes/process58/tests_probes_process88.log.

FAIL: all.sh


1 of 1 tests failed

Please report to open-scap-list@redhat.com


make[4]: *** [check-TESTS] Error 1

make[4]: Leaving directory `/root/SSG-Build/openscap/tests/probes/process58'

make[3]: *** [check-am] Error 2

make[3]: Leaving directory `/root/SSG-Build/openscap/tests/probes/process58'

make[2]: *** [check-recursive] Error 1

make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/SSG-Build/openscap/tests/probes'

make[1]: *** [check-recursive] Error 1

make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/SSG-Build/openscap/tests'

make: *** [check-recursive] Error 1

The log file contains a segmentation fault and what appears to be a sed
command syntax error (???).

2)Run-level probe failures

Making check in runlevel

make[3]: Entering directory `/root/SSG-Build/openscap/tests/probes/runlevel'

make  check-TESTS

make[4]: Entering directory `/root/SSG-Build/openscap/tests/probes/runlevel'


+ test_probes_runlevel_A                                      [ WARN ]

+ test_probes_runlevel_B                                      [ FAIL ]

+ test_probes_runlevel_C                                      [ FAIL ]


See tests/probes/runlevel/test_probes_runlevel.log.

FAIL: test_probes_runlevel.sh


1 of 1 tests failed

Please report to open-scap-list@redhat.com


None of the OVAL definitions are evaluated to True/False as I am seeing
in RHEL. Evaluation throws error.

I am seeing that definitions using run-levels seem to not get evaluated
correctly outside the context of the test as well. I have used the SSG
OVAL file for RHEL here to illustrate this. Irrespective of sshd state,
the definition returns true:

# oscap oval eval --id oval:ssg-service_sshd_disabled:def:1 sles11-oval.xml

Definition oval:ssg-service_sshd_disabled:def:1: true

Evaluation done.

# chkconfig --list sshd

sshd                      0:off  1:off  2:off  3:on   4:off  5:on   6:off


# chkconfig sshd on

# chkconfig --list sshd

sshd                      0:off  1:off  2:off  3:on   4:off  5:on   6:off

# oscap oval eval --id oval:ssg-service_sshd_disabled:def:1 sles11-oval.xml

Definition oval:ssg-service_sshd_disabled:def:1: true

Evaluation done.

Attaching both the log file to this mail.

Thank you.



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