Re: [OpenAFS] OpenAFS 1.8.0 alpha 1 available

2017-02-03 Thread Benjamin Kaduk
On Wed, Jan 04, 2017 at 08:47:10PM +0100, Sergio Gelato wrote:
> * Benjamin Kaduk [2016-12-31 19:03:01 -0600]:
> > The release notes are at
> >
> The need to run akeyconvert on upgrade from 1.6 could be stated more
> emphatically in the release notes (as an action item, not just a change
> description among many).

I think we are somewhat constrained by the file format, but we will take
a look before the final release.

> Maybe the Debian packages should even do it in postinst, or tell the
> administrator about it via a debconf note.

There should be a NEWS entry for openafs-fileserver to get displayed
on interactive updates 
 at the moment.
I thought about trying to do it automatically in postinst, but decided
that such functionality was not needed for the first alpha; I'll probably
revisit that before the final release gets uploaded to Debian.

OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] OpenAFS 1.8.0 alpha 1 available

2017-01-04 Thread Sergio Gelato
* Benjamin Kaduk [2016-12-31 19:03:01 -0600]:
> The release notes are at

The need to run akeyconvert on upgrade from 1.6 could be stated more
emphatically in the release notes (as an action item, not just a change
description among many).

Maybe the Debian packages should even do it in postinst, or tell the
administrator about it via a debconf note.
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] OpenAFS 1.8.0 alpha 1 available

2017-01-02 Thread Gaja Sophie Peters

Am 01.01.17 um 23:07 schrieb Jeffrey Altman:

On 1/1/2017 1:38 PM, Gaja Sophie Peters wrote:

I wonder if this problem is related to the matlab "bug" (a little
off-topic maybe, but who knows) Matlab simply won't start from a
directory with @sys in the path,

I'm curious about this "matlab" incompatibility.  Can you clarify what
you mean by "a directory with @sys in the path"?  Do you mean:

1. a path component "@sys" is being passed to Matlab?


Exactly. Starting Matlab with the path
shows only the window "Activate Matlab Software". Starting explicitly
Matlab starts cleanly (interestingly today even after I had started it 
once with @sys - which at some point a few years ago didn't work until 
after a reboot)

2. a path component that is a symlink whose target path
   contains @sys?


That as well.
$ ls -al /afs/
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root root 30 Dez 31 22:52 
/afs/ -> 

Starting the command
results also just in the activation windows. We use a starting-script 
that looks explicitly for @sys in the "syslink" symbolic link and 
replaces it with $(fs sysname), so that the command

in the end finds the correct location for matlab

Some time in early 2014 I tried (unsuccessfully) to tweak the actual 
starting-script for matlab, but then came other things, and I postponed 
it again. (also, our work-around works...) The "real" problem is within 
the MATLAB executable (or some java-libary) itself.


doesn't work (asks for activation):

Gaja Peters
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] OpenAFS 1.8.0 alpha 1 available

2017-01-01 Thread Benjamin Kaduk
On Sun, Jan 01, 2017 at 07:38:51PM +0100, Gaja Sophie Peters wrote:
> Am 01.01.17 um 02:03 schrieb Benjamin Kaduk:
> > Do you think there was anything other than your home directory in your
> > local cache at the time you installed the new packages?
> At the time I installed the packages, most likely. However, I cleaned 
> the cache multiple times (or even deleted all files in the 
> cache-directory and restarted) and SSH-Login still won't find my 
> home-directory - though it finds everything else.

Okay, so probably a more "mundane" issue with caching something that
shouldn't be cached (for all users), then.

> I wonder if this problem is related to the matlab "bug" (a little 

I'll leave this to the other sub-thread that Jeffrey started.

OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] OpenAFS 1.8.0 alpha 1 available

2017-01-01 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 1/1/2017 1:38 PM, Gaja Sophie Peters wrote:
> I wonder if this problem is related to the matlab "bug" (a little
> off-topic maybe, but who knows) Matlab simply won't start from a
> directory with @sys in the path, so one has to specifically go via
> amd64_linux26 (or whatever is appropriate). Since it's just "luck",
> which path to the final directory the kernel sees first (depending on
> what else got called in what order), sometimes Matlab won't even start
> from amd64_linux26 because it STILL thinks, it's called from @sys --
> whatever the kernel sees first, it remembers and will continue to
> remember until a reboot...

I'm curious about this "matlab" incompatibility.  Can you clarify what
you mean by "a directory with @sys in the path"?  Do you mean:

1. a path component "@sys" is being passed to Matlab?


2. a path component that is a symlink whose target path
   contains @sys?


  where "bin" is a symlink to "@sys" or to ".bin/@sys"
  where ".bin" is a directory containing sub-directories

Jeffrey Altman


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [OpenAFS] OpenAFS 1.8.0 alpha 1 available

2017-01-01 Thread Gaja Sophie Peters

Am 01.01.17 um 02:03 schrieb Benjamin Kaduk:

The release notes are at
which should be linked from the main page
but may have been missing for a short while at one point.

Thanks - I found them now - guess I was looking at the wrong place.

- Next I installed with "dpkg -i" the three packages that are needed for
a client-install and courageously rebooted - only to find out that AFS
wasn't find my home-dir. (All other directories were working fine,
except the one above my homedir and my homedir...)

Do you think there was anything other than your home directory in your
local cache at the time you installed the new packages?

At the time I installed the packages, most likely. However, I cleaned 
the cache multiple times (or even deleted all files in the 
cache-directory and restarted) and SSH-Login still won't find my 
home-directory - though it finds everything else.

I wonder if this problem is related to the matlab "bug" (a little 
off-topic maybe, but who knows) Matlab simply won't start from a 
directory with @sys in the path, so one has to specifically go via 
amd64_linux26 (or whatever is appropriate). Since it's just "luck", 
which path to the final directory the kernel sees first (depending on 
what else got called in what order), sometimes Matlab won't even start 
from amd64_linux26 because it STILL thinks, it's called from @sys -- 
whatever the kernel sees first, it remembers and will continue to 
remember until a reboot...

This might be a similar case - the kernel (-module?) sees first "there 
is no such directory" (because root doesn't have the appropriate token) 
and remembers this even after the token is there, and the kernel should 
check again.

Gaja Peters
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] OpenAFS 1.8.0 alpha 1 available

2016-12-31 Thread Benjamin Kaduk
On Thu, Dec 29, 2016 at 05:22:19PM +0100, Gaja Sophie Peters wrote:
> Am 14.12.16 um 05:57 schrieb Benjamin Kaduk:
> > The OpenAFS Guardians are hapy to announce the availability of the first
> > prerelease candidate of OpenAFS 1.8.0.
> > A large number of bugfixes and new features are included, and there are also
> > behavior and functional changes that may require administrator action as
> > part of the upgrade; please consult the release notes for details.
> I was looking for the release-notes, but didn't find them - but I wanted 
> to try the client-bit myself, so this is my "story". I guess this is 
> more of a "success" story, than a bug, so I'll provide my feedback 
> (little as it may be) here, in case it may be helpful to anybody.

The release notes are at
which should be linked from the main page
but may have been missing for a short while at one point.

Anyway, thanks for the story (as well as the subsequent bug report)!

> I used the Debian-Git-Repository of OpenAFS to build a package that can 
> be installed on Ubuntu 14.04, which we use on most of our Linux-Clients.
> The procedure wasn't quite straight-forward, and I can make no promises 
> that I did everything completely right - however, it runs for me now, 
> and seems to work. So far, I tested only the client-part of OpenAFS 1.8. 
> The servers are still 1.6.18 (or so - the version from jessie-backports).
> This is as much a reference for myself, what I actually did, because I 
> didn't find anywhere a description, how to build a Debian-Package (not 
> even a generic one)... At least I eventually found that there's a 
> program "dpkg-build-package", which does most of the job.

In the 'devscripts' package there is a tool 'debuild' that provides
a wrapper around most of the debian package building steps.
I think that just 'debuild -uc -us' (don't try to sign source package or changes
file) should suffice in most cases.

> Building a .deb-package with dpkg-buildpackage didn’t (quite) work with 
> an AFS-Home-directory, the build got stuck at "chown" - seems like the 
> "fakeroot" didn’t quite do what it was supposed to, so I started over in 
> /var/tmp...

Not terribly surprising, as chown in AFS does not behave quite like
chown on standard Unix filesystems.

> > cd /var/tmp
> > git clone
> > cd openafs
> > git checkout $(git tag|grep debian/1.8|tail -1)
> > sudo apt-get build-dep openafs
> > sudo apt-get install debian-keyring heimdal-multidev libperl-dev
> > dpkg-buildpackage -d -b -uc -us
> > sed -i s/rk_base64_/base64_/ src/auth/userok.c

Yeah, this part is a bit unfortunate, depending on how old of a system
roken you have.  (You could hack things up to use the bundled roken
for your local testing if you want, but luckily this change is probably
easier than doing that.)

> > dpkg-buildpackage -d -b -uc -us -nc
> > rm debian/tmp/usr/lib/perl/ debian/tmp/usr/lib/perl/AFS/
> > sed -i 's/dh_strip --dbgsym-migration/dh_strip #--dbgsym-migration/' 
> > debian/rules
> > dpkg-buildpackage -d -b -uc -us -nc
> > cd ..
> Now the building itself is finished. Next install it...
> > sudo dpkg -i openafs-modules-dkms_1.8.0*_all.deb 
> > openafs-krb5_1.8.0*_amd64.deb openafs-client_1.8.0*_amd64.deb
> > sudo rm -rf /var/cache/openafs/* /var/cache/openafs-client
> > sudo reboot
> Some comments:
> - The original openafs-source is missing the "debian"-subdirectory which 
> contains the pre-defined rules for "Configure". I could probably have 
> done it manually, but since the Debian-Git already contains everything, 
> I used that as a starting point.

Quite reasonable, since Ubuntu is a debian-derived system.

> - The "checkout" line tells git to use the 1.8. tree, 
> instead of the 1.6.20 tree
> - the "build-dep" for openafs is not sufficient, because it takes only 
> OpenAFS 1.6.X into account, so two more packages are needsd. I don't 
> remember, why I put "debian-keyring" also into the list. I remember it 
> was needed for SOMEthing, but not if it was for this build.

It removes a warning from 'apt-get source', IIRC, since the source package
is signed with my personal key.  (There is no security issue since it
is also authenticated via the apt repo, but there is nonetheless a warning
issued otherwise.)

> - The parameters -uc and -us "dpkg-buildpackage" (unsigned source, 
> unsigned .changes) are probably not needed any more, because I told it 
> to only create binary packages anyways, the "-d" tells it to ignore 
> pre-depends, it wouldn't build on Ubuntu 14.04 otherwise, and the "-b" 
> tells it to only create binary packages, no source-packages.

The binary package would still generate a changes file, so only the
-us could be omitted.

> - Something in the debian/rules makes it garble the file 
> "src/auth/userok.c", which fixes the following sed-line. Th

Re: [OpenAFS] OpenAFS 1.8.0 alpha 1 available

2016-12-30 Thread Gaja Sophie Peters

Am 29.12.16 um 17:22 schrieb Gaja Sophie Peters

I guess this is
more of a "success" story, than a bug, so I'll provide my feedback
(little as it may be) here, in case it may be helpful to anybody.

[skip the steps for building]

- Next I installed with "dpkg -i" the three packages that are needed for
a client-install and courageously rebooted - only to find out that AFS
wasn't find my home-dir. (All other directories were working fine,
except the one above my homedir and my homedir...)

- Any combination of "fs flush" "fs flushmount" and "fs flushall" didn't
help either, so I manually cleared out the AFS-cache and restarted again.

Hm, maybe some kind of "bug-report" after all. Today when I logged in 
with SSH with a user that has an AFS-Homedirectory, I had the same 

Could not chdir to home directory /afs/ No 
such file or directory

Possible reason (not sure): The directory /afs/ is 
readable for system:anyuser - the next subdir 
/afs/ is readable by system:authuser (but not 
by "anyuser"), so during login (when my credentials aren't yet known to 
the system), "root" (or "the kernel") thinks, the directory 
/afs/" doesn't exist. ls -al shows it at 
first as

??   ? ??   ?? it
and after some experiments with flush/flushmount as
d?   ? ??   ?? it
This state remains even after login. I could solve it one time by using 
fs flush / fs flushmount / fs flushall as root (not as logged-in user). 
After that, the directory appeared as normal and a regular SSH-Login now 
works as well without error.

However, after a reboot, I tried to reproduce the 
"make-the-directory-available-again" without success. However much I 
"flush"ed, the directory remained unaccessible:

$ cd /afs/
$ fs lsmount it
'it' is a mount point for volume ''
$ fs listacl it
fs: File 'it' doesn't exist

When I rebooted and logged in with a non-afs-user, then used kinit / 
aklog and checked the directory, it was there AND worked afterwards also 
on login with afs-user...

Apologies for the maybe unclear and confused description. As a final 
test, I made a cross-test and tried the same compile/install routine for 
openafs 1.6.20-2 and ssh-login worked there the first time (and the second)

Greetings (in the hope that any of this may be helpful),
Gaja Peters

P.S. All this on Ubuntu 14.04 with Kernel 3.13.0-106-generic, 
compilation of OpenAFS as described in the post

Login(-attempts) were made with kinit / ssh -K
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] OpenAFS 1.8.0 alpha 1 available

2016-12-29 Thread Gaja Sophie Peters

Am 14.12.16 um 05:57 schrieb Benjamin Kaduk:

The OpenAFS Guardians are hapy to announce the availability of the first
prerelease candidate of OpenAFS 1.8.0.

A large number of bugfixes and new features are included, and there are also
behavior and functional changes that may require administrator action as
part of the upgrade; please consult the release notes for details.

I was looking for the release-notes, but didn't find them - but I wanted 
to try the client-bit myself, so this is my "story". I guess this is 
more of a "success" story, than a bug, so I'll provide my feedback 
(little as it may be) here, in case it may be helpful to anybody.

I used the Debian-Git-Repository of OpenAFS to build a package that can 
be installed on Ubuntu 14.04, which we use on most of our Linux-Clients.

The procedure wasn't quite straight-forward, and I can make no promises 
that I did everything completely right - however, it runs for me now, 
and seems to work. So far, I tested only the client-part of OpenAFS 1.8. 
The servers are still 1.6.18 (or so - the version from jessie-backports).

This is as much a reference for myself, what I actually did, because I 
didn't find anywhere a description, how to build a Debian-Package (not 
even a generic one)... At least I eventually found that there's a 
program "dpkg-build-package", which does most of the job.

Building a .deb-package with dpkg-buildpackage didn’t (quite) work with 
an AFS-Home-directory, the build got stuck at "chown" - seems like the 
"fakeroot" didn’t quite do what it was supposed to, so I started over in 

cd /var/tmp
git clone
cd openafs
git checkout $(git tag|grep debian/1.8|tail -1)
sudo apt-get build-dep openafs
sudo apt-get install debian-keyring heimdal-multidev libperl-dev
dpkg-buildpackage -d -b -uc -us
sed -i s/rk_base64_/base64_/ src/auth/userok.c
dpkg-buildpackage -d -b -uc -us -nc
rm debian/tmp/usr/lib/perl/ debian/tmp/usr/lib/perl/AFS/
sed -i 's/dh_strip --dbgsym-migration/dh_strip #--dbgsym-migration/' 
dpkg-buildpackage -d -b -uc -us -nc
cd ..

Now the building itself is finished. Next install it...

sudo dpkg -i openafs-modules-dkms_1.8.0*_all.deb openafs-krb5_1.8.0*_amd64.deb 
sudo rm -rf /var/cache/openafs/* /var/cache/openafs-client
sudo reboot

Some comments:
- The original openafs-source is missing the "debian"-subdirectory which 
contains the pre-defined rules for "Configure". I could probably have 
done it manually, but since the Debian-Git already contains everything, 
I used that as a starting point.

- The "checkout" line tells git to use the 1.8. tree, 
instead of the 1.6.20 tree

- the "build-dep" for openafs is not sufficient, because it takes only 
OpenAFS 1.6.X into account, so two more packages are needsd. I don't 
remember, why I put "debian-keyring" also into the list. I remember it 
was needed for SOMEthing, but not if it was for this build.

- The parameters -uc and -us "dpkg-buildpackage" (unsigned source, 
unsigned .changes) are probably not needed any more, because I told it 
to only create binary packages anyways, the "-d" tells it to ignore 
pre-depends, it wouldn't build on Ubuntu 14.04 otherwise, and the "-b" 
tells it to only create binary packages, no source-packages.

- Something in the debian/rules makes it garble the file 
"src/auth/userok.c", which fixes the following sed-line. The file is ok 
before I called the dpkg-buildpackage -- probably some difference 
between Debian and Ubuntu

- The next call to "dpkg-buildpackage" includes the parameter "-nc", to 
not clear the source-tree, otherwise it would have to rebuild some 
things that it already built.

- Two files are generated (or copied) during the build, which need to be 
removed ( and, otherwise it won't continue. The 
"rm" takes care of that. Also, the command dh_strip, which is called 
towards the end of the dpkg-buildpackage doesn't know the parameter 
--dbgsym-migration under Ubuntu, so just comment it out with sed.

- The third run of "dpkg-buildpackage" continues until the end and 
produces the final package-files in /var/tmp

- Next I installed with "dpkg -i" the three packages that are needed for 
a client-install and courageously rebooted - only to find out that AFS 
wasn't find my home-dir. (All other directories were working fine, 
except the one above my homedir and my homedir...)

- Any combination of "fs flush" "fs flushmount" and "fs flushall" didn't 
help either, so I manually cleared out the AFS-cache and restarted again.

- Current state: AFS apparently working. Didn't use it as a "real" 
(graphical) home-directory yet, because I did all this remotely, but 
copying files to and from the AFS seems to work fine.

In case anybody can (or wants to) make use of these packages, I copied 
them to the AFS in the publicly accessible directory


Re: [OpenAFS] OpenAFS 1.8.0 alpha 1 available

2016-12-21 Thread Todd DeSantis

Hi Jeff - Hi Ben - And To ALL OpenAFS Guardians, Developers and
Contributors -

Yes, Thank you ALL for your hard work and dedication towards OpenAFS 1.8.0
and all
previous versions of OpenAFS as well, and future versions of OpenAFS
too !!

Ben, thank you for all of your contributions to the OpenAFS Community in
the many
roles that you play, truly amazing !!

Thanks for all of your help

Todd DeSantis

From:   Jeffrey Altman 
Date:   12/14/2016 01:22 AM
Subject:Re: [OpenAFS] OpenAFS 1.8.0 alpha 1 available

On 12/13/2016 11:57 PM, Benjamin Kaduk wrote:
> The OpenAFS Guardians are happy to announce the availability of the first
> pre-release candidate of OpenAFS 1.8.0.
> A large number of bugfixes and new features are included, and there are
> behavior and functional changes that may require administrator action as
> part of the upgrade; please consult the release notes for details.
> Please assist the guardians ...

New stable release series of OpenAFS are few and far between; averaging
more than five years between major release.  This alpha release is a
major milestone.  A point at which I believe it is valuable to
acknowledge those who have contributed and the scope of their

The changes contributed towards 1.8 since the initial 1.6.x branch are
summarized as follows:

  4283 files changed, 325205 insertions(+), 311590 deletions(-)

in 4953 commits authored by the following individuals:

1334  Jeffrey Altman
913   Simon Wilkinson
715   Andrew Deason
320   Michael Meffie
292   Daria Phoebe Brashear
289   Benjamin Kaduk
233   Marc Dionne
88Chas Williams
83Garrett Wollman
53Mark Vitale
49Peter Scott
43Anders Kaseorg
41Rod Widdowson
40Heimdal Developers
38Russ Allbery
33Antoine Verheijen
31Christof Hanke
28Stephan Wiesand
25Ken Dreyer
23Chaskiel Grundman
20Jonathan A. Kollasch
16Perry Ruiter
15Hartmut Reuter
15Jeffrey Hutzelman
14Marcio Barbosa
13Nathaniel Wesley Filardo
12Jason Edgecombe
12Matt Benjamin
11Jeff Blaine
11Nickolai Zeldovich
10Sami Kerola
8 Hans-Werner Paulsen
8 Tom Keiser
7 Arne Wiebalck
7 Phillip Moore
6 Jonathan Billings
6 Michael Laß
6 Steve Simmons
5 Dave Botsch
5 Rainer Toebbicke
5 Stefan Kueng
4 Chaz Chandler
4 Ken Hornstein
3 Asanka C. Herath
3 Edward Z. Yang
2 Andy Cobaugh
2 Christer Grafström
2 Dan van der Ster
2 GCO Public CellServDB
2 Geoffrey Thomas
2 Jacob Thebault-Spieker
2 Marcus Watts
2 Thorsten Alteholz
1 Adam Megacz
1 Alejandro R. Sedeño
1 Brandon S Allbery
1 Brian Torbich
1 Charles Hannum
1 Chris Orsi
1 Felix Frank
1 Georg Sluyterman
1 Gergely Risko
1 Jeff Layton
1 Jens Wegener
1 Joe Gorse
1 Jonathon Weiss
1 Karl Ramm
1 Lukas Volf
1 Magnus Ahltorp
1 Matt K. Light
1 Matt Smith
1 Nathan Dobson
1 Niklas Jonsson
1 Paul Smeddle
1 Rainer Strunz
1 Ryan C. Underwood
1 Terry Long
1 Thomas L. Kula
1 Tim Creech
1 Toby Burress
1 Todd Lewis
1 Troy Benjegerdes
1 Vaibhav Kamra
1 Vincent Archer
1 Will Maier
1 Yadav Yadavendra

It is very important to acknowledge the many roles that Ben Kaduk is
serving for the OpenAFS community including Guardian, 1.8 Release
Manager, and Security Officer.  The 1.8 alpha release would not have
occurred without his substantial and uncompensated efforts.  Ben is
neither employed by a company that uses AFS nor does the OpenAFS
Foundation nor anyone else pay Ben for his time and expertise.

I don't know what Ben wants for Christmas but I would encourage all who
value OpenAFS to write letters to the North Pole to ensure that Ben is
not mistakenly placed on the naughty list.  Ben has given t

Re: [OpenAFS] OpenAFS 1.8.0 alpha 1 available

2016-12-13 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 12/13/2016 11:57 PM, Benjamin Kaduk wrote:
> The OpenAFS Guardians are happy to announce the availability of the first
> pre-release candidate of OpenAFS 1.8.0.
> A large number of bugfixes and new features are included, and there are also
> behavior and functional changes that may require administrator action as
> part of the upgrade; please consult the release notes for details.
> Please assist the guardians ...

New stable release series of OpenAFS are few and far between; averaging
more than five years between major release.  This alpha release is a
major milestone.  A point at which I believe it is valuable to
acknowledge those who have contributed and the scope of their contributions.

The changes contributed towards 1.8 since the initial 1.6.x branch are
summarized as follows:

  4283 files changed, 325205 insertions(+), 311590 deletions(-)

in 4953 commits authored by the following individuals:

1334 Jeffrey Altman
913  Simon Wilkinson
715  Andrew Deason
320  Michael Meffie
292  Daria Phoebe Brashear
289  Benjamin Kaduk
233  Marc Dionne
88   Chas Williams
83   Garrett Wollman
53   Mark Vitale
49   Peter Scott
43   Anders Kaseorg
41   Rod Widdowson
40   Heimdal Developers
38   Russ Allbery
33   Antoine Verheijen
31   Christof Hanke
28   Stephan Wiesand
25   Ken Dreyer
23   Chaskiel Grundman
20   Jonathan A. Kollasch
16   Perry Ruiter
15   Hartmut Reuter
15   Jeffrey Hutzelman
14   Marcio Barbosa
13   Nathaniel Wesley Filardo
12   Jason Edgecombe
12   Matt Benjamin
11   Jeff Blaine
11   Nickolai Zeldovich
10   Sami Kerola
8Hans-Werner Paulsen
8Tom Keiser
7Arne Wiebalck
7Phillip Moore
6Jonathan Billings
6Michael Laß
6Steve Simmons
5Dave Botsch
5Rainer Toebbicke
5Stefan Kueng
4Chaz Chandler
4Ken Hornstein
3Asanka C. Herath
3Edward Z. Yang
2Andy Cobaugh
2Christer Grafström
2Dan van der Ster
2GCO Public CellServDB
2Geoffrey Thomas
2Jacob Thebault-Spieker
2Marcus Watts
2Thorsten Alteholz
1Adam Megacz
1Alejandro R. Sedeño
1Brandon S Allbery
1Brian Torbich
1Charles Hannum
1Chris Orsi
1Felix Frank
1Georg Sluyterman
1Gergely Risko
1Jeff Layton
1Jens Wegener
1Joe Gorse
1Jonathon Weiss
1Karl Ramm
1Lukas Volf
1Magnus Ahltorp
1Matt K. Light
1Matt Smith
1Nathan Dobson
1Niklas Jonsson
1Paul Smeddle
1Rainer Strunz
1Ryan C. Underwood
1Terry Long
1Thomas L. Kula
1Tim Creech
1Toby Burress
1Todd Lewis
1Troy Benjegerdes
1Vaibhav Kamra
1Vincent Archer
1Will Maier
1Yadav Yadavendra

It is very important to acknowledge the many roles that Ben Kaduk is
serving for the OpenAFS community including Guardian, 1.8 Release
Manager, and Security Officer.  The 1.8 alpha release would not have
occurred without his substantial and uncompensated efforts.  Ben is
neither employed by a company that uses AFS nor does the OpenAFS
Foundation nor anyone else pay Ben for his time and expertise.

I don't know what Ben wants for Christmas but I would encourage all who
value OpenAFS to write letters to the North Pole to ensure that Ben is
not mistakenly placed on the naughty list.  Ben has given the OpenAFS
community an early present.

Jeffrey Altman

P.S. - Happy Holidays from the AuriStor team

  Daria Phoebe Brashear
  Marc Dionne
  Simon Wilkinson
  Peter Scott
  Rod Widdowson
  and myself


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

[OpenAFS] OpenAFS 1.8.0 alpha 1 available

2016-12-13 Thread Benjamin Kaduk
The OpenAFS Guardians are hapy to announce the availability of the first
prerelease candidate of OpenAFS 1.8.0.
Source files can be accessed via the web at:

or via AFS at:

UNIX: /afs/
UNC:  \\afs\\software\openafs\candidate\1.8.0pre1\

A large number of bugfixes and new features are included, and there are also
behavior and functional changes that may require administrator action as
part of the upgrade; please consult the release notes for details.

Please assist the guardians by deploying and testing this release and
providing positive or negative feedback.  Bug reports should be filed
to ; reports of successes should be sent to

Benjamin Kaduk
for the OpenAFS Guardians
OpenAFS-info mailing list