-----Original Message-----
From: Marc Palmer
Sent: 1/21/02 7:44 AM
Subject: Re: [OCF] Status of OpenCard.org?

> > If the card vendors are not enthusiastic enough to continue now, and
> > of them don't offer free docs/utilities, it is going to be very
> > to retain compatibility with the majority of cards. It will be hard
> > implement CardService(s) for those cards, as the vendors will
> > not produce them any longer if OCF is not "their" project.

> But they're not producing them now, so I don't see why they suddenly 

I understand this completely. However, we managed to get Dalsemi to add 
support for applet management card services in the last year. Some 
companies are more forward-thinking than others ;-)

> I think the card vendors just see PC/SC and Win32 as the target
> platforms, so why bother with Opencard ?

Yes, exactly.

> All you need to implement card services are the APDUs the card needs.
> In the past I've helped develop card services for Visa Open Platform
> (which, BTW, most JavaCards are supporting) and the Schlumberger
> Cyberflex to load apps.  These were devloped with a combination of
> official specs and (in the case of VOP) intercepted APDUs.

Yes, but for serious applications I'm not sure that hacked APDU
can really be said to be 100% reliable. Intercepting APDUs isn't much 
fun, and could be very difficult with contactless cards.

Official specs are not publicly available for many of the cards as I'm 
sure you know.

Example: We hope to add support for some cards in this way, from docs 
gleaned from existing users who have the relevant SDK. However, it's a 
big job and relies on a lot of people's good faith and time devoted to 
testing (as we don't have all the cards).

> > Option (1) is of no interest to me frankly, as it does not offer
> > independence for applications, and can be written from scratch in a
> > simpler API than OCF.

> Well, you *could* write your own API, but who is going to write the
> drivers for all the terminals ?  Also, the resource management in OCF
> very good.

Yes, it's not bad. It's not perfect though.

> Option (2) is the only sensible approach, but even
> > now there are few CardService(s) available from vendors, and there
> > almost certainly be less if OCF disbanded.

> I don't see why.  Card vendors would not provide services if Opencard
> seen as not developing, which seems to be the case for now.

Yes, but will they provide them at all when it is not OCC property?
are currently card services of one kind or another from Gemplus,
SLB and probably some others. It would be interesting to know if these 
companies would still produce and maintain such code if OCF became open 
source and little to do with the vendors.

> The SunBlade 100 from Sun has an integrated card reader, and ships
> openCard in Solaris 8.  The card management app is a Java app using
> OpenCard.

That's good news. I hope Sun is trying to offer incentives to the card 
vendors to keep supporting and improve OCF. That would be the most 
desirable route I think, but maybe it's too late.

> > I think what we really need is for the OCF consortium members to
wake up
> > and support Java rather than give up on it. Mass-market
> > Java applications will never come if OCF disbands, unless there is
> > support from vendors.

> They may never come anyway, at least not on the PC.  If you're waiting
> for the card vendors to provide them they never will.  I think there
> at least 2 reasons for this :

Ah, well I'm a Java optimist :-)  

> 1. The vast majority of clients are Win32 which already have PC/SC
> installed (at least Win2000, which for corporate use is the target).
> The PCs almost certainly do not have a Java VM and OpenCard installed.
> Why bother with Opencard ?  What extra does it give ?

Well from the perspective of application developers, it gives platform 
neutrality.  Of course if you are in the business of purely providing a 
smartcard solution, Java may not be your first choice. But 
platform-independent Java applications (which are growing in number - 
ICEmail, Jabber etc.) can easily add card support using OCF instead of 
using some horrible JNI layer to PC/SC which will only work on Windows 

> 2.  The smartcard industry has a lot of people who cut thier teeth on
> sending bytes down serial ports.  They don't understand or care about
> design patterns / abstraction etc.  If they can speak to the card
> Visual Basic and PC/SC, well, why not?

Haha, yes too true.

> 3. Vendor lock in exists in the industry to an extent that it is
> dominated by 3 or 4 major players.  Who cares about open standards ?

Yep. :(

> > I'm guessing, but I think that perhaps they only supported Java
> > of the potential use in Applets on web sites (The "e-Wallet" hype) -
> > because browsers did not have support for smartcards as a cert store
> > the past. Now that most browsers have this built in using PC/SC,
> > don't see a need for OCF. Perhaps I'm wrong...

> Most browsers use either PKCS11 or the MS CSP to provide generic
> services from a card.  More specific apps tend to be written as
> controls.  There are at least 2 problems with this :

> 1. Win32 specific
> 2. Many corporate firewalls block ActiveX as a matter of course.  This
> has seriously impacted a project I've been involved with in the past.

Yes I know it sucks. That was my point. It would appear people have
up on OCF because the browsers support cards, but it's actually a "bad" 

> It seems to me open sourcing it will subject Opencard to a Darwinian
> process : if people want it it will be devloped, and if not it will
> stay as it is, which is pretty good anyway.

Yes, perhaps. It would be nice to know if any vendors at all would help.

For example, Gemplus are pretty keen on Java it seems. Would they still 
produce card services and free tech info to the project?

I just think that it's a very tall order for an open source project
the reliance on hard-to-obtain technical data. Without any help from 
vendors, it's going to be seriously time consuming.

Qty 25,000  Gemplus GCR 500 terminals for sale brand new

$29/ea in qtys of 100 +

please email or call me with any interest.

sam goldsmith
317-545-4747  ext 14

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