Michael Bender wrote:
> How important are EMV-certified Card Terminals that are installed
> and/or part of a general-purpose computing platform? I am getting
> mixed messages from people about the importance of EMV Card Terminal
> compliance - in one case, we stand to loose millions of seats, in
> another, EMV compliance is not important all. I suspect that the
> truth is somewhere in the middle.

>From what I understand of EMV all the banks in Europe have to switch to
it by 2008 for any credit or debit card they issue.  This implies that
the terminal infrastructure that the banks use will also have to changed
to be EMV comliant.

It would seem reasonable to expect that any company producing software
for devices that have to handle EMV cards will have to get certification
for that terminal device (e.g Point of sale terminals, set top boxes,
etc) if they expect it to be bought.

Whether you expect EMV to have a big presence on a general purpose
computing platform is harder to guage.  If you look at Win2K, then the
integration of smart card technology into the operating systems of
general purpose computing platforms is obviously happening, but it's
possibly a bigger leap to expect financial institutions to trust those
terminals as they would those installed at a retail site.  One final
thing is that I know that American Express in the UK sent out smart card
readers to people who signed up to their new credit card but I think
this was only for accessing their accounts online and I also don't know
if it is an EMV compiant card. Maybe they did some research into this
area that you might be able to find.

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