OK .. 3rd Monday of the month ;  1:00 PM  ---->  2:00 PM EST wins by
overwhelming majority.

I understand that OCP is in middle of setting up accounts / workspace for
sub-groups like CBW.

Hopefully, it will be all clear by end of this month for us to start have
our first CBW sub group call on 3rd Monday of October in the said time slot.

Rajat Ghai
Benu Networks

On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 12:13 PM, Rajat Ghai <rg...@benunets.com> wrote:

> Howdy,
> Over the last week there was quite a enthusiasm on the mailing list about
> holding a call for folks interested in collaborating on CBW.
> Its probably good to start off once a month and see if we need it more
> frequently.
> To stagger it from the OCP Networking monthly calls (that are held on the
> 1st Monday of every month) ,  i thought having it every 3rd week of every
> month might provide most distance.
> I am putting out  a doodle poll to see what time/day of the week seems
> acceptable to the interested folks.
> http://doodle.com/poll/ik57kgn8bgm6xhx7
> --
> Best Regards
> Rajat Ghai
> Benu Networks (www.benunets.com)

Best Regards
Rajat Ghai
Benu Networks (www.benunets.com)
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