Re: [opendx-users] plotting a complex, curvilinear surface

2004-02-20 Thread Mattijs Janssens
It sounds as if your normals are incorrect. Your algorithm to flip the triangles to have consistent neighbour orientation is correct? It might be that you have an incorrect surface to start with e.g. more than 2 faces per edge or faces on top of each other. Have a look at it with e.g.

Re: [opendx-users] plotting a complex, curvilinear surface

2004-02-19 Thread Allen H. Nugent
Dear DXplorers, I am on the verge of giving up on ever fixing a buggy surface rendering of my artificial-heart pump chamber, but maybe someone can give me an angle I haven't tried yet. I generated a set of ~1-mm-spaced nodes to describe the surface, then formed triangular connections