I have just installed cygwin & openDX and am working through the tutorial. Could some one please tell me why openDX wants Internet access and at what point it is safe to disconnect?

(ZoneAlarm caught a number of programs/processes requesting I'net access and Server authority. Some of these are: STARTUPUI.EXE, TUTOR.EXE, DXUI.EXE, DXEXEC.EXE)

I can't find anything specifically relevant to this in the documentation. FAQ item "D. Problems 4. (OpenDX won't run after I took my machine off the network. What should I do?)" sounds close, but the files it refers to do not exist on my installation. (I have yet to try setting the environment variable DXHOST to localhost; what is "localhost"? My PC is called "AHN_002", but cygwin seems to call it "ahn-002".)


Allen H. Nugent
Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering
University of New South Wales
Sydney NSW 2052 Australia
Tel: +61 2 9385 3916 Fax: +61 2 9663 2108

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