-1- Almost never a diagnosis is 100% certain.
-2- Almost always a test result has uncertainty attached to it
-3- Many times a conclusion is reached based on many uncertain and 
conflicting facts
-4- Quite often a condition, a diagnosis, is assumed that gives rise to 
a treatment. Not indicating that the patient is suffering from this 
condition but using treatment as a test procedure. Doing nothing is 
such a test procedure.

Eric Wulff (from Danmark) published philisophical texts about health 
care and these topics.


--  <private> --
Gerard Freriks, arts
Huigsloterdijk 378
2158 LR Buitenkaag
The Netherlands

+31 252 544896
+31 654 792800
On 20 Apr 2005, at 13:58, Thomas Beale wrote:

> I'm wondering if there is a meta-algorithm of some sort lurking behind 
> the scenes, which takes account of uncertainty in a note, and also 
> severity of non-discounted possibilities, as a way of deciding what to 
> do next. There is undoubtedly published work on this...
> thoughts?
> - thomas beale
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