2006/12/8, Thomas Beale <Thomas.Beale at oceaninformatics.biz>:
>  Mattias Forss wrote:
> Does this mean that the ratio constraint could as of now be removed from
> the archetype editors? Will the DV_RATIO class be removed from the
> specifications as well? If not, should the editors change the current ratio
> constraint to be of a DV_RATIO instead of a DV_QUANTITY_RATIO?
> this is the expected approach. I know it is annoying for us to make this
> software change, but we cannot escape the fact that there were some
> categories of clinical data that were not properly addressed by the current
> data types.

Not sure what your answer is here, can the ratio constraint be removed from
the editors or not?

I think that the new DV_PROPORTION class could be used instead of
> DV_QUANTITY when there are no units, e.g. only the property 'Qualified
> real' and the empty string as a unit or a missing unit attribute in the item
> list of C_QUANTITY and only a magnitude attribute. The current ADL parser
> doesn't expect empty or null units which is correct according to the
> specification of C_QUANTITY_ITEM in the archetype profile package. Hence,
> there should always be a unit specified for each item in the item list of
> C_QUANTITY in archetypes and it cannot be empty because quantified data with
> no units could be represented with the DV_PROPORTION data type, right?
> DV_COUNT will take care of countable things - also with no units.
> Otherwise, anything else with no units I think will end up being a
> DV_PROPORTION - is we think of "proportion" as the idea of "relative
> amount", "how much of a total", then it is quite a wide concept that is
> likely to cover many situations. Sam and I believe your assumption is pretty
> safe at the moment.

Understood, the proportion data type makes a lot more sense than the
DV_QUANTITY_RATIO which allowed a lot of different quantifiable data types.
There is no need to make things more complicated than they are and the
simplification with DV_PROPORTION is great.

If you have a look at the blood film archetype (here:
> http://my.openehr.org/wsvn/knowledge/archetypes/dev/adl/openehr/ehr/entry/observation/openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_film.v1.adl?op=file&rev=0&sc=0)
> you will see that the elements named 'Packed cell volume (PCV)' and
> 'Plateletcrit' are quantity data types with empty units, but maybe they
> could be changed to proportion data types instead? If not, then the
> specification of C_QUANTITY_ITEM must be changed.
> Sam - I imagine this is right - can you check this?
> Although we have not yet uploaded cleaner archetypes with all the changes
> everyone wants, we have nearly done all the changes to the tools, and the
> next generation of archetypes on the openEHR website should address
> everything. After that we should be able to proceed faster, since I think we
> will have removed all the anomalies in tools with respect to the
> specification, and also fixed a few anomalies in the specfication.

It would be great if the archetypes could be updated soon. Could I get a
listing of the changes so I can update the Java archetype editor


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