Hi everyone!
I'm trying to understand how to execute a state machine of a fully structured 
INSTRUCTION, and I have some questions and thoughts to share with you...

The first issue is about archetyping an ACTION that execute and ACTIVITY of an 
INSTRUCTION. Modeling an ACTION, the Archetype Editor let me archetype the 
ACTION.ism_transition attribute, but not the ACTION.instruction_details. Both 
attribute classes (ISM_TRANSITION and INSTRUCTION_DETAILS) are specializations 
of PATHABLE, so those shouldn't be archetypable (see 
http://www.openehr.org/releases/1.0.2/architecture/rm/ehr_im.pdf page 53).Is 
this a bug in the AE or is an issue in the specs?

If the "ACTION.instruction_details" attribute can't be archetyped in the AE, 
how could I know what specific structure the 
"ACTION.instruction_details.wf_details" attribute will have?

Is the "ACTION.instruction_details.wf_details" attribute related somehow with 
the "ACTIVITY.description" attribute?

The description of the "ACTION.instruction_details.wf_details" attribute says: 
condition that fired to cause this Action to be done (with actual variables 
substituted),What is the meaning of "with actual variables substituted"? This 
makes me think having an ACTIVITY in memory, creating an instance of an ACTION 
to record the execution of that ACTIVITY, copying the ACTIVITY.description 
structure into the ACTION.instruction_details.wf_details, and the update the 
correspondent fields into the wf_details with actual execution data.
Does this make any sense? or I'm just to twisted :D

The last one!Now only ACTIONs can change a state on the ISM, but I think an 
ADMIN_ESTRY could change the state also, e.g. to move a "planned procedure" to 
the "scheduled" state, there is an administrative step of coordinating date & 
time, not a clinical action. Again, does this make any sense?!

Thanks a lot!
Kind regards,
Ing. Pablo Pazos Guti?rrez
LinkedIn: http://uy.linkedin.com/in/pablopazosgutierrez
Blog: http://informatica-medica.blogspot.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ppazos                                        
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