Hello everyone

I am sending this email to clarify the role of ITEM_STRUCTURE in
relation to other structures (such as HISTORY and EVENT) both from the
point of view of EHR semantics as well as the computational view.

My "problem" in one line is that i can't understand if ITEM_STRUCTURE
are there to ensure that their content is interpreted properly
semantically or they really "do what they mean" (i.e. they represent
tables, lists, trees that have to be populated as such).

A related question is also this one:

Is it possible that a C_MULTIPLE_ATTRIBUTE constraint pointing to an
ITEM_LIST will have upper_unbounded=True?

If yes, then ITEM_LIST would have to be dynamically expanding (and this
complicates things a little bit but...that's life)...If no, then the
contents of ITEM_LIST can be considered static (yay!) and you only need
to know that this is an ITEM_LIST for interpretation purposes (which of
course is KEY when you come across an ITEM_TREE)

This will help me in two points:
a) Clarify the role of ITEM_STRUCTURE and use it properly in archetypes
and templates
b) Be able to assign widgets properly (and later read data off them)
when constructing a GUI.

A few more notes are available at the end of this message

All the best
Athanasios Anastasiou

What i understand but would like to verify is that ITEM_STRUCTURE do
what they say they do, i.e an ITEM_LIST represents a dynamic list
(constrained by some C_MULTIPLE_ATTRIBUTE) and an ITEM_SINGLE
represents....just one entry (constrained by some C_SINGLE_ATTRIBUTE).

But i am a little bit confused for two reasons:

a) by what is meant by HISTORY<T>.

HISTORY already implies "A list of events" with the type of the list
being (point or interval)EVENT<T> which could imply "A [single item or
table] of ITEM_STRUCTURE" OR "A [list,tree] of ITEM_STRUCTURE"....and
this is where it gets confusing.

Does that mean that all of the following are valid? (with respect to

*) a dynamic list of events containing dynamic lists of item structure
(the history.events can expand and so can the item structures held by

*N1) a dynamic list of events containing static lists of item structure
(events can expand, but each event is supposed to simply contain a list
of items that is actually fixed in size).

(dynamic and static expanded for the following lines as well)
*) A list of trees
*) a list of tables
*) a list of single values (this is the most intuitive thing....For
example, a time series represented as a history of point events of

b) by the explanation given in the specs
With reference to (*N1) above:
The example that is given in the spec for ITEM_LIST is that of "parts of
an address". This is what leads me to believe that ITEM_LIST is not
supposed to be a dynamic list but just something THAT IS TO BE
INTERPRETED AS A LIST but from a computational point of view is just a
list. I really do hope this makes sense. (I have gone through section 6
in "data_structures.pdf" and that again points to ITEM_STRUCTURE being
used for interpretation rather than "definition" :-/)

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