Hello everyone

I think that there is something wrong with the "Terminology.xsd" schema 
available from 
and i thought i would send you this email to verify it.


1) The schema does not specify the "Terminology" element which is the 
root of the Terminology.xml

2) What will end up as sub-elements of "Terminology" need their 
multiplicity specified (minOccurs, maxOccurs)

I have made the necessary corrections in the attached terminology.xsd 
keeping the same style used by the original author (using anonymous 
types) and have tested that this will validate Terminology.xml properly. 
As i don't like anonymous types i will most probably edit this schema 
further and re-post it some time later but if this has already been 
edited and is available somewhere...please let me know :-)

Of course, the structure of the "Terminology.xml" file is very simple 
and it could be read with any xml parser as a series of whatever 
elements attached to some root but it's nice to be able to load that xml 
file and treat it almost like a database knowing where is everything.

As a side note, it appears that the links towards the Terminology and 
Translation tools are broken at 
while the link towards the "AE Terminology" from 
http://www.openehr.org/wiki/display/spec/openEHR+Terminology returns 
some kind of SVN error 

All the best
Athanasios Anastasiou

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