
My personal thoughts are:

This discussion is trivial.

CEN decided to:
- renew the ENV 13606
- use the two model approach
- produce a standard that can be used to produce: messages, documents and
implementable objects

My preference is the platinum model :-)
But I go for the gold one.

And as long as we can show that one is able to map to the silver one or the
bronze one, I see no problem. Mapping means that we are able to produce an
Archetype that fulfils  the requirements of all those models.

A consequence of the decision taken by CEN is that the Kernel (including the
data types) plus the Archetype model must be stable and as complete as
possible. The various degrees of granularity (that equals the number of
concepts and equals the number of archetypes and complexity of it) will be
outside of the control of the standardisation organisation. It will be in
the hands of the domain experts/user communities.
Each user community that wants to exchange information will use the Kernel
and Archetype Model plus the set of agreed archetypes it needs to use.

So we must provide all proponents of the bronze and silver options
archetypes that fulfil their requirements.

My option is the Patinum one ;-)


A likewise argument can be made for the data type problem.
We have the PT41 proposal, the HL7 one and the OpenEHR one.

Possibly we have to show that all three are mappable and therefore equally
correct and interchangeable.

On 17-09-2002 05:48, "Andrew Goodchild" <andrewg at dstc.edu.au> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I know this is probably a very politically sensitive topic, but I am
> wondering what the path forward for harmonization of openEHR with CEN
> 13606.  I was talking to Peter Schloeffel yesterday and Peter mentioned
> that there are three options:
> - the "bronze" option, which involved fixing a couple of things in the
> existing CEN model and adding archetypes to it.
> - the "silver" option, which simplifies and modifies openEHR and uses that
> as a basis for the new CEN model
> - the "gold" option, which uses the full openEHR model as the basis for
> the new CEN model
> Peter also mentioned to me that it was highly likely that the "silver"
> option would be the most successful.
> My question to the list is, what would you simplify or modify in the
> openEHR model?
> My gut feeling is to remove everything not required by ISO 18308, but I am
> not sure what that would entail or the side effect of that.
> Any thoughts?
> cheers, Andrew
> _-_|\    Andrew Goodchild
> /     *   DSTC Pty Ltd
> \_.-._/   Brisbane, Australia
>     v    http://staff.dstc.edu.au/andrewg/
> -
> If you have any questions about using this list,
> please send a message to d.lloyd at openehr.org

Gerard Freriks, MD
Convenor CEN/TC251 WG1

Zernikedreef 9
The Netherlands

+31 71 5181388
+31 654 792800

If you have any questions about using this list,
please send a message to d.lloyd at openehr.org

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