Hi all,

I'm working on representing medication strengths in archetypes at the moment. 
Most medications are thankfully measured in SI units such as mg/ml or mg/{dose 
unit}, but others use arbitrary units that are not derived from any other 
physical dimensional units. Examples of these are standardized quality units 
(SQ-U), focus forming units (FFU), European and American pharmacopoeia units, 
anti factor Xa units, or international units (IU). There are seemingly an 
unlimited number of these units, and they apparently make up new ones as they 
go along (ref: SQ-T and SQ-HDM). See 
http://unitsofmeasure.org/ucum.html#para-45 for more.

UCUM has a generic way of representing these, as "[arb'u]{whatever}" (arbitrary 
unit, name of the unit), but openEHR doesn't seem to have a property in its 
Quantity data type for them. Could it be a possibility to add an "Arbitrary" 
property to the openEHR support terminology for unit properties?

Also, is it ok to model Quantity elements with a property set but the units 
left unconstrained? I've just started trying to add these units to an archetype 
(as a concentration, so got around the property issue), and it's just a never 
ending task.

Kind regards,
Silje Ljosland Bakke

Information Architect, RN
Coordinator, National Editorial Board for Archetypes
Nasjonal IKT HF, Norway
Tel. +47 40203298
Web: http://arketyper.no<http://arketyper.no/> / Twitter: 

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