As most of you will now know, a set of Demographics Model archetypes which
are aligned to the ISO standards, has been uploaded to CKM and we started
formally reviewing "Person name" and "Postal address" recently. The results
of these reviews will be posted to CKM in the next few days and many thanks
to those of you who have already contributed.

We know that there was considerable interest in the ISO-Demographics
archetypes earlier in the year but this has not been reflected in the number
of people actually performing a formal review. Before publishing these
archetypes, we must ensure that the  scope, content and structure is
acceptable to a broad section of the openEHR community.

If you are interested in this area, particularly the ISO standards, please
login to CKM and 'Adopt' one or both archetypes.
We will be closing off the current review round this week but would
anticipate starting the next round shortly - if you have adopted an
archetype this will ensure that you are invited to the second review round.

The review process need not take long - as a bare minimum all we need is a
final Accept/Revise/Decline decision from each reviewer, though obviously we
would prefer more detail, particularly if you feel there is an issue with
the current archetypes. The feedback so far has been very positive and it is
unlikely that the current models will need major discussion or revision but
until we great some broad input from potential 'consumers' of the archetypes
we cannot be certain that they are 'fit to publish'.

Thanks for your interest and potential input.  We appreciate that everyone's
time is at a premium but any feedback you can give will be most welcome.



Dr Ian McNicoll
office / fax  +44(0)141 560 4657
mobile +44 (0)775 209 7859
skype ianmcnicoll
ian.mcnicoll at
ian at

Clinical Analyst  Ocean Informatics openEHR Archetype Editorial Group
BCS Primary Health Care Specialist Group
BCS Health Scotland
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