Hello all,

I have been thinking a little about archetype specialization and versioning
and how do those two relate. I don't know how it is being solved right now,
but seems like a big issue for the future. Take the following scenario:

We have an archetype (e.g. 'openEHR-EHR-Evaluation.problem.v1') and a
specialization of that archetype (e.g.
'openEHR-EHR-Evaluation.problem-diagnosis.v1'). Now we generate a new
version of the parent archetype (creating a

If we create a specialization of 'openEHR-EHR-Evaluation.problem.v2', what
identifier should it have?
How can we distinguish which is the parent of archetype mentioned above
('openEHR-EHR-Evaluation.problem.v1' or
'openEHR-EHR-Evaluation.problem.v2') using only the identifier information?
(I know that parent information is inside the archetype)
If both parent versions of the concept are valid and you generate new
specializations from them, how is this handled?

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