Re: information gain by "cardinality" ?

2019-10-11 Thread Diego Boscá
You can see cardinality as the size of the array that contains objects. For
your examples:

1) The summed max-"occurrences" may never surpass the max-"cardinality"
They might, specially as things like occurrences of 0..* or 1..* are a
thing. Nothing wrong with having a cardinality that further constraints

2) the summed min-"occurrences" may never be less than the
They also might, even if all your objects are optional (i.e. 0..1) you
could have a cardinality of [1..*] to say that you need at least one.

However, I would say that in normal cases you could just sum them and be
fine, but this duality allows for some cool tricks at validation time


El vie., 11 oct. 2019 a las 9:29, Georg Fette ()

> Hello,
> Constrained Container RM-Types can define a "cardinality" for their
> list/array fields and the contained types can define "occurrences" for
> themselves inside the array.
> The summed max-"occurrences" may never surpass the max-"cardinality and
> the summed min-"occurrences" may never be less than the min-"cardinality".
> The min-max-"occurrences" could perhaps even be calculated from the
> "occurrences".
> What information gain does the "cardinality" provide ?
> Or what is the usecase where a given "cardinality" is needed, because
> the information is not already given by the all "occurrences" ?
> Greetings
> Georg
> --
> -
> Dipl.-Inf. Georg Fette  Raum: B001
> Universität WürzburgTel.: +49-(0)931-31-85516
> Am Hubland  Fax.: +49-(0)931-31-86732
> 97074 Würzburg  mail:
> -
> ___
> openEHR-technical mailing list


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openEHR-technical mailing list

information gain by "cardinality" ?

2019-10-11 Thread Georg Fette

Constrained Container RM-Types can define a "cardinality" for their 
list/array fields and the contained types can define "occurrences" for 
themselves inside the array.
The summed max-"occurrences" may never surpass the max-"cardinality and 
the summed min-"occurrences" may never be less than the min-"cardinality".
The min-max-"occurrences" could perhaps even be calculated from the 

What information gain does the "cardinality" provide ?
Or what is the usecase where a given "cardinality" is needed, because 
the information is not already given by the all "occurrences" ?


Dipl.-Inf. Georg Fette  Raum: B001
Universität WürzburgTel.: +49-(0)931-31-85516
Am Hubland  Fax.: +49-(0)931-31-86732
97074 Würzburg  mail:

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