Current Dev Position: YP 3.2 M2

Next Deadline: YP 3.2 M2 build date 2020/7/27


Next Team Meetings:

*       Bug Triage meeting Thursday July 9th at 7:30am PDT (
*       Monthly Project Meeting Tuesday July 7th at 8am PDT (
*       Weekly Engineering Sync Tuesday July 14th  at 8am PDT (
*       Twitch -  See


Key Status/Updates:

*       Thanks to everyone who attended, helped out, organized or otherwise
contributed to our ELC presence and YP Dev Day last week, we believe it was
successful and people found it interesting and useful.
*       We continue to be concerned about autobuilder stability, we're
continuing to see high numbers of intermittent failures. You can see the
list of failures we're seeing by searching for the "AB-INT" tag in bugzilla:

Help is urgently needed to bring these to a manageable level. We have
managed to resolve or work around some of these issues over the past week
and are starting to see green builds again.

*       We are struggling with maintainers for some key components of the
system/infrastructure such as devtool, wic, buildhistory and
patchwork/patchtest. If anyone can help in these areas please contact
*       If anyone has thoughts on attracting and recognising project
contributors and contributions, we would be interested in ideas and
assistance in that area.
*       Another way to help the project is to help us with bugs that are
currently unassigned but ideally needed during 3.2. See:
*       We're planning to migrate the project documentation from docbook to
sphinx. If you're interested/able to help with this please join the
discussion over on the docs mailing list.


YP 3.2 Milestone Dates:

*       YP 3.2 M2 build date 2020/7/27
*       YP 3.2 M2 Release date 2020/8/7
*       YP 3.2 M3 build date 2020/8/31
*       YP 3.2 M3 Release date 2020/9/11
*       YP 3.2 M4 build date 2020/10/5
*       YP 3.2 M4 Release date 2020/10/30


Planned upcoming dot releases:

*       YP 3.0.4 build date 2020/8/10
*       YP 3.0.4 release date 2020/8/21
*       YP 3.1.2 build date 2020/9/14
*       YP 3.1.2 release date 2020/9/25


Tracking Metrics:

*       WDD 2485 (last week 2470) (
*       Poky Patch Metrics  

*       Total patches found: 1268 (last week 1272)
*       Patches in the Pending State: 497 (39%) [last week 498 (39%)]


The Yocto Project's technical governance is through its Technical Steering
Committee, more information is available at:



The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at:


[If anyone has suggestions for other information you'd like to see on this
weekly status update, let us know!]




Stephen K. Jolley

Yocto Project Program Manager

*    Cell:                (208) 244-4460

* Email:    


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