Current Dev Position: YP 3.2 M3

Next Deadline: YP 3.2 M3 Feature Freeze - Now


Next Team Meetings:

*       Bug Triage meeting Thursday Sept. 10th at 7:30am PDT (
*       Monthly Project Meeting Tuesday Oct. 6th at 8am PDT (
*       Weekly Engineering Sync Tuesday Sept. 8th at 8am PDT (
*       Twitch -  See


Key Status/Updates:

*       M3 has now closed and we're at feature freeze for 3.2.
*       We now have most patches merged for 3.2, the main remaining question
is around the documentation. The current plan is to merge the sphinx
branches into master and then build M3.
*       There is a new technique being used to try and mitigate some of the
runtime autobuilder issues, so far the results from that have looked
promising (using the runqemu-renice script).
*       Some fixes for bitbake's parsing handling have merged which
hopefully will address some of the hung process issues we've been seeing.
Some of the issues look like potential issues in upstream python
*       There have also been significant cleanups to the server process
logging and reporting of processes holding the bitbake lock.
*       The work in enabling PRServ to work well with hash equivalence has
*       A preview of the sphinx built documentation is now available at
<>, work is
ongoing to complete the migration work.
*       We continue to struggle with a number of autobuilder intermittent
bugs. You can see the list of failures we're continuing to see by searching
for the "AB-INT" tag in bugzilla:

Help with any of these would be much appreciated, unfortunately it is
proving hard to find anyone interested in helping figure these out and they
significantly hamper our testing.

*       One way to help the project is to help us with bugs that are
currently unassigned but ideally needed during YP 3.2. See:
*       For older releases, we've been struggling to handle these with the
changing distros on the autobuilder infrastructure. We've managed to pull
together various pieces of work to allow these older releases to be built on
the infrastructure and an email discussing this was sent to the
openembedded-architecture list. It will mean adding some larger series of
patches to the older release branches for the yocto-autobuilder-helper and
openembedded-core repositories but it is believed this is in the best
interests of being able to test these older releases going forward if
needed. This may also reduce the barrier to entry for new maintainers and
community maintenance.


YP 3.2 Milestone Dates:

*       YP 3.2 M3 build date 2020/8/31
*       YP 3.2 M3 Release date 2020/9/11
*       YP 3.2 M4 build date 2020/10/5
*       YP 3.2 M4 Release date 2020/10/30


Planned upcoming dot releases:

*       YP 3.1.3 build date 2020/9/14
*       YP 3.1.3 release date 2020/9/25


Tracking Metrics:

*       WDD 2461 (last week 2436) (
*       Poky Patch Metrics  

*       Total patches found: 1264 (last week 1264)
*       Patches in the Pending State: 502 (40%) [last week 502 (40%)]


The Yocto Project's technical governance is through its Technical Steering
Committee, more information is available at:



The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at:


[If anyone has suggestions for other information you'd like to see on this
weekly status update, let us know!]




Stephen K. Jolley

Yocto Project Program Manager

*    Cell:                (208) 244-4460

* Email:    


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