Current Dev Position: YP 3.4 M4
Next Deadline: 29th Oct. 2021 YP 3.4 M4 release

Next Team Meetings:
 * Bug Triage meeting Thursday Oct. 21st at 7:30am PDT
 * Monthly Project Meeting Tuesday Nov. 2nd at 8am PDT
 * Weekly Engineering Sync Tuesday Oct. 19th at 8am PDT
 * Twitch -  See

Key Status/Updates:
 * YP 3.4 rc1 is through QA and the TSC is discussing, likely planning to
   release as 3.4
 * YP 3.5 Planning document:
 * Patches to master have continued to merge post-release, most of the backlog
   is now processed. There were a number of more invasive changes that were
   deferred for after 3.4 and this has disrupted things a little (pkgconfig-
   native missing dependencies, reproducible builds being made the default,
   openssl 3.X, python 3.10, insane class function cleanup and switch to zstd
   for sstate which have also now merged.
 * We are pleased to report that sstate reuse on the autobuilder has improved
   significantly and this is reducing build times, to the point several of us
   did check to see if it did actually build things!
 * Intermittent issues continue to rise, particularly with some seemingly
   network related gremlin somewhere. Help is very much welcome on these issues.
   You can see the list of failures we’re continuing to see by searching for the
   “AB-INT” tag in bugzilla:

Ways to contribute:
 * There are bugs identified as possible for newcomers to the project:
 * There are bugs that are currently unassigned for YP 3.4. See:
 * We’d welcome new maintainers for recipes in OE-Core. Please see the list at: and discuss with the existing maintainer, or ask on the OE-Core
   mailing list. We will likely move a chunk of these to “Unassigned” soon to
   help facilitate this.

YP 3.4 Milestone Dates:
 * YP 3.4 M4 is in QA
 * YP 3.4 M4 Release date 2021/10/29

Proposed YP 3.5 Milestone Dates:
 * YP 3.5 M1 build date 2021/12/06
 * YP 3.5 M1 Release date 2021/12/17
 * YP 3.5 M2 build date 2022/01/10
 * YP 3.5 M2 Release date 2022/1/21
 * YP 3.5 M3 build date 2022/2/21
 * YP 3.5 M3 Release date 2022/03/04
 * YP 3.5 M4 build date 2022/04/04
 * YP 3.5 M4 Release date 2022/04/29

Proposed upcoming dot releases:
 * YP 3.3.4 build date 2021/11/01
 * YP 3.3.4 Release date 2021/11/12
 * YP 3.1.12 build date 2021/11/15
 * YP 3.1.12 Release date 2021/11/26
 * YP 3.4.1 build date 2021/11/22
 * YP 3.4.1 Release date 2021/12/03
 * YP 3.1.13 build date 2021/12/13
 * YP 3.1.13 Release date 2021/12/22
 * YP 3.1.14 build date 2022/01/24
 * YP 3.1.14 Release date 2022/02/04
 * YP 3.4.2 build date 2022/02/07
 * YP 3.4.2 Release date 2022/02/18
 * YP 3.1.15 build date 2022/03/14
 * YP 3.1.15 Release date 2022/03/25
 * YP 3.4.3 build date 2022/03/21
 * YP 3.4.3 Release date 2022/04/01
 * YP 3.1.16 build date 2022/04/25
 * YP 3.1.16 Release date 2022/05/06

Tracking Metrics:
 * WDD 2682 (last week 2687) (
 * OE-Core/Poky Patch Metrics
    - Total patches found: 1318 (last week 1318)
    - Patches in the Pending State: 488 (37%) [last week 488 (37%)]

The Yocto Project’s technical governance is through its Technical Steering
Committee, more information is available at:

The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at:

[If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on this
weekly status update, let us know!]

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