Hi Baruch,
That's a good question.

Bruce, if we need a new kernel feature (squashfs), the only way would be first to contribute it to https://git.yoctoproject.org/yocto-kernel-cache/ ? Or there's another way to enable a specific kernel configuration in a selftest?


On 14.02.2024 07:54, Baruch Siach wrote:
Makes sense.

I added mkdirhier of OVERLAYFS_ETC_MOUNT_POINT for the case of
OVERLAYFS_ETC_CREATE_MOUNT_DIRS == 0. Let me know if there is a better
solution for read-only filesystems.

The trouble with testing is that I could not find any existing feature
in yocto-kernel-cache that enables either CONFIG_SQUASHFS or
CONFIG_EROFS_FS. Is there another way to enable kernel features for the


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