Hi Ramon,

(cc-ing the mailing list for such matters)

It might help for me to know what went wrong, i.e., the error
messages.  I have never tried the set of code with mininet, so I can
only try to debug it along the way with the errors received.  Bear
with me.


On 21 October 2011 14:52, Ramon Marques <ramonmr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Yap,
> I'm a Masters's Student from Brazil studying Openflow. I've read your paper
> "Towards Software-Friendly Networks" and I am interested in work with SFNet.
> I installed SFnet following the instructions from
> http://www.openflow.org/wk/index.php/SFNet . But i'm having difficulties to
> run and test it.
> Is there any documentation about running and testing SFNet?
> I was trying to run the nox_core placed under the sfnet subdirectory. And
> test using the python scripts. Is that correct?
> I was trying to use MiniNet, but I'm also able to test in a real (simple)
> testbed.
> thanks in advance
> --
> Ramon Marques Ramos
> Engenheiro de Computação
> Mestrando em Informática -UFES
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