Dear FOSS vendors,
        I have been generally concerned that organizations that do
analysis/evaluations of EHR systems tend to be biases towards proprietary
systems, or more generally clients. No one I have talked to believes that
KLAS for instance, is credible.

        Recently I met Arthur Gasch and he made a good pitch that his EHR
evaluation tool was free from the kinds of financial bias that seem to be
the norm in our industry. He takes a fee from vendors to be in his system
and he takes a fee to let clients search the system. But he does not take
'consulting fees' that seem to be norm in the industry.

        After hearing, this I have been working with him to create a 'Open
Source License' button in his EHR selection tool. I think if people were
aware of the basic implications of a FOSS license, and were aware that there
was an option here, they would often choose the right path. Arthur and I are
still working on how to include this selector in his EHR evaluation tool,
but I want to let you know about his service and so I am forwarding you his

        I will be endorsing tools like this that inform users about the
option of FOSS and have some kind of commitment to not take extra money from
a particular vendor.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Arthur Gasch <>
Date: Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 5:32 AM
Subject: Updated invitation letter
To: fred trotter <>

 Dear Vendor
> From time to time we hear of open source EMRs. Fred Trotter does an
> excellent job promoting them, as alternatives to proprietary,
> CCHIT-certified EMRs, but the question remains - functionally, how
> competitive are they.
> MSP would like to offer you the opportunity to answer that question
> definitively. You can register your current product on the MSP EHR Selector
> (, where its capabilities can be matched against our
> database
> of other EMR product features. The normal fee is $795, but MSP will waiver
> that for six months, if you will complete the product profile and put the
> system up live. If, after 6 months, you want to continue, pay just $495 for
> the next year - the price we charged for an EMR developer subscription
> 3-years ago.
> Open source EMRs could get a fair number of orders if they can show that
> they are truly competitive, as physicians visit us from collaborating
> organizations that include HIMSS, MGMA, ACC, AGA, AHQA and ACP, they search
> our site for more than a few general requirements, so they are sure what
> they are getting. There are plenty of deals to go around, what is missing is
> any open source vendors. We invite open source vendors to check out the EHR
> Selector by visiting the site <>, and by
> watching a brief video <>. Here
> are some recent enhancements we have made to the EHR Selector which you may
> not be aware of.
>    - 23 new practice specialties added, 45 total practice specialties now
>    supported.
>    - Simple, Search-and-Assert user interface.
>    - New EMR Profile Search feature - Pick ASP Profile and assert all ASP
>    criteria in 2 mouse clicks
>    - Regained assertion by individual criteria for our experienced users
>    and EMR consultants based on 600 individual criteria available
>     - 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 CCHIT certifications, expanded from CCHIT
>    certification.
>     - All 2009 PQRI measures added
>     - New EMR sites - SNF, Home Health, Hospital in addition to Group
>    Practice
>    - Drill down of hospital EMR into ED, OR-PACU, OB, Adult ICU, Neonatal
>    and General Ward
>     - Expanded the Search feature into a Search & Select user interface
>    - Reorganized all Sections into logical sequence
>    - Added Consultants, Legal Services, Accounting, Post Install IT
>    Service, more
>    - Support for all major User Interfaces (Scanning, dictation, Speech,
>    Handwriting, Pick list, etc.)
>    - A new ARRA Meaningful Use feature Flag - features will be flagged
>    when announced.
>    - HIPAA compliance flags by features
>     - New Literature Request button
>    - Expanded DEMO button that now emails and also runs live demo (if you
>    provide one)
>    - Instant Vendor GO LIVE for all non-Vetted Items
>    - New Vendor Sales Activity reports
>     - MORE...
> If open source EMR want the widest possible exposure, being on the MSP EHR
> Selector is a way to achieve it. If you would like to take advantage of this
> offer, please contact Betty at 732-219-5090 X20 and she can provide a login
> and password instantly. It usually takes 1 to 1.5 hours to complete the
> feature summary, and most features go live then. Forty remain until vetting
> occurs, something we do within a couple of days at a mutually convenient
> time with
> your company. You participation for the first six months will cost you
> nothing but your time to complete the EMR profile.
> I hope you will join the other vendor systems here.
> Kind regards,
> Arthur Gasch
> Founder, Medical Strategic Planning, Inc.
> 5 Shelbern Drive
> Lincroft, NJ 07738
> 732-219-5090 X20 Voice
> 732-979-7001 Mobile
> Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this e-mail
> transmission is intended only for use of the individual or entity named
> above. This e-mail transmission, and any documents, files, previous e-mail
> transmissions or other information attached to it, may contain confidential
> information that is legally privileged. If you are not the intended
> recipient of this e-mail transmission, or the employee or agent responsible
> for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that
> any disclosure, dissemination, distribution, copying or other use of this
> transmission or any of the information contained in or attached to it is
> strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail transmission in error,
> or you do not wish to receive any further communications from us, please
> immediately notify us by return e-mail transmission or by telephone at the
> number above or at the address above, and destroy the original e-mail
> transmission and its attachments without reading or saving it in any manner.
> Thank you.
>  Fred Trotter

Fred Trotter

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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