Hi Irving,
In Malaysia we still refer to organisations such as the Free MED
Foundation as Civil Society by nature of its not-for-profit status.
Article provides for registration of non-profits under "..... or
its equivalent" which refers to Incorporation limited by guarantee and
which has a not-for-profit status. Since OSHCA will be registered in
Malaysia, we can accept FreeMED Foundation as a not-for-profit associate
The protem committee had not worked out the rules and regulations
pertaining to "show of proof" of non-profit status.
You can change and re-submit as long as its within the inaugural meeting
time as designated.
I'm copying this e-mail to the openhealth list (changing the subject) in
case there are similar organisations like yours apply.
Dr. Irving Buchbinder wrote:

> Dear Joseh and Molly:
> I'd like to remind you that section VI seems to include only FOR
> PROFIT corporations and not the not-for-profit (such as the FreeMED
> Foundation and others) who also work in the Open Source areas.
> We will join as an associate member but find that 'profit making
> motive' clause of the corporation sector is EXCLUSIVE rather than
> inclusive.
> For the board of FreeMED
> --
> --
> Irving J. Buchbinder, DPM, DABPS
>   Director, FreeMED Software Foundation, INC
>   -=Technology advances. People stay the same=-
>                                                            Leigh Rubin

Software distribution Salon software Medical software
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