September 17, 2020 OpenID Board Call Minutes

Don Thibeau, Executive Director
Bjorn Hjelm
Mike Jones
John Bradley
Wesley Dunnington
John Summers
Kosuke Koiwai and Takao Kojima
Takehisa Shibata
Dale Olds
George Fletcher
Nat Sakimura

Filip Verley
Lovlesh Chhabra

Visitors on the Phone:
Mike Leszcz, OpenID Foundation
Tom Smedinghoff, Locke Lord LLP
Pamela Dingle, Microsoft

1.       Transition Plan
Our main agenda item is discussing Don Thibeau's intention to resign as 
Executive Director at the end of 2020 or after the first board meeting of 2021. 
 Don plans to stay active in identity and the OpenID Foundation.  Bjorn Hjelm 
led discussions on establishing a hiring committee, looking for a replacement, 
timing of communications, and related topics.

Mike Leszcz plans to send the public communications tomorrow.  He said that we 
should summarize the call with James Bryce Clark of OASIS on their experience 
of finding a new Executive Director.  Jamie reviewed their experiences and 
processes.  He said that we should have a compensation range in mind.  We 
should be clear on what we're looking for.  We should understand where the 
candidates would like to take the foundation.  Mike Leszcz said that we will 
intentionally be reaching to a diverse candidate pool.  Pamela suggested that 
we also reach out to IDPro.

Mike Jones reviewed some of the criteria that the ED had discussed.  We need 
strong communication and relationship skills.  The person should view the job 
as a mission and not just a paycheck.  Mike described how OASIS had candidates 
give a presentation on what they saw OASIS doing well and badly and where 
they'd like to take the organization; this showed their vision for the 
organization, demonstrated the presentation skills, and their ability to work 
with the board of directors.

Nat said that Don can continue to serve in an ambassador role for some time.  
Nat said that we need to write a job description.  People asked whether the 
person needs to be in the US.  We agreed that location is not a primary 

John Summers asked whether we could arrange for there to be some overlap 
between Don and the new ED.  Don talked about the importance of maintaining 
momentum for our existing initiatives.  Don said that he doesn't want to be a 
lame duck; he wants to remain engaged and continue raising our profile in 
partner organizations - particularly in the financial space.  For instance, FDX 
has invited Nat to keynote an upcoming conference.  Don and about a half dozen 
other foundation members will also participate.  Nat ask Don think about new 
options for the certification program.  (Currently the foundation is 
subsidizing the certification program.)

Bjorn will be our single point of contact for the hiring process.  Mike Jones 
said that we should have a hiring committee of 5-6 people who can commit to a 
lot of time to the process in the short term.  Don commented that continuing a 
close collaboration with OpenID Foundation Japan is important, and that we need 
to be an international organization.  Don suggested participation from OIDF 
Japan.  John Summers said that we want the hiring committee to have global 
representation.  Nat said that want to be a global organization, rather than an 
international organization.

Bjorn asked people to let people know if they want to be on the hiring 
committee and to let him know of any potential candidates.

2.       Treasurer's Report
John Bradley reported that our current budget is stable.  We do anticipate some 
revenue downsides from the pandemic.  The high-value/high-volume FAPI 
certifications that we were hoping for haven't materialized.  Our engagement 
hasn't resulted in most banks joining either, although there are some 
prospects.  Cutting travel due to the pandemic has helped our budget.  We have 
reduced our expenses in the certification realm.  Mike Leszcz said that we have 
not seen membership drop-offs so far.  PayPal downgraded from board membership 
to corporate membership.

3.       Certification Update
Mike Jones reported that we decommissioned the Python-based certification suite 
used for OpenID Connect certifications at the end of August, replacing it with 
the Java-based suite.  We have renegotiated our certification staff contracts 
to reduce expenses by half.  We expect CMA9 banks in the UK and big four banks 
in Australia to certify.  HSBC has made 4 certifications and plans another.  
Don said that banks tend to move in herds.  John Sommers asked how we generate 
more interest and adoption.  Don said that the US/Canada marketplace is the big 
target, which should evolve in the next year.  Don said that FDX is a big asset 
for reaching US/Canada banks.  OpenID Connect is already built into FDX's 
plans.  John Sommers asked if there is a specific call to action in Nat's FDX 
presentation.  Nat said that most FDX members haven't yet adopted FAPI but 
he'll nudge them to participate in the FAPI 2.0 work.  IBM has recently 

4.       Liaison Update
The World Economic Forum has created a network of identity organizations; OIDF 
is a charter member of the network.  There will be a conference at the end of 
the year.

The International Monetary Fund's International Institute of Finance Open 
Digital Trust Initiative is important.  The OIDF is helping lead the technical 
track of their work.

Our work with SWIFT and others is shining a spotlight onto the Foundation - 
both our standards and our certification innovations.

Don reported that three different US government agencies have issued requests 
for information about digital identity and certification.  This indicates their 
intent to take action in this area.

5.       Next Meetings
The Executive Committee will meet on October 1st.  The full board will meet on 
October 15th.

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