September 7, 2017 OpenID Executive Committee Call Minutes

Don Thibeau, Executive Director
John Bradley
George Fletcher
Mike Jones
Adam Dawes
Nat Sakimura


Mike Leszcz, OpenID Foundation Staff
Tom Smedinghoff, Locke Lord LLP

1.       New "Government" Membership Category
Don Thibeau and Tom Smedinghoff made a recommendation to add a "Government" 
membership category - distinct from non-profit memberships.  The proposed price 
point is $500.  Adam asked what we're trying to solve here.  The goals are to 
make it easy for governments to join and easier for an agency to understand the 
implications of joining.  Tom reported that the current membership agreement 
has the notion of a "control group".  This works for corporate organizations 
but may not work for government agencies.  Tom suggests that the "control 
group" concept not apply to the government category.

John Bradley stated that while the US may not assert IPR, this may not be true 
of all governments.  Adam asked where the current structure is sufficiently 
broken that it is inhibiting government participation.  John said that 
government employees participating in working groups is a separate issue.  An 
alternative strawman is to simply rename the non-profit category to "non-profit 
and government".

This is coming up in the context of the iGov working group for some potential 
European participants.  Don will go back to the people discussing this and come 
back with an updated recommendation.

2.       Certification Program Update
Engineering Update:  RP Certification is now in production.  This means that we 
are charging for it and it is now available to non-members for the first time.  
We are now on the new OP testing code base that enables adding new tests.  
Additional tests are being worked on by Roland Hedberg and Hans Zandbelt.  
Roland has written some code in support of the FAPI testing requirement that 
signed requests be used.  This will be a selectable option.

Business Update: Mike, Roland, Hans, and Don are helping Open Banking 
participants as we can.  Mike recently reinforced the goal of having one 
certification program using one code base.  The Open Banking people understood 
and supported this goal.  Don will also be taking this message to the 
participants in London in the next few weeks.

Personnel Update:  We are considering bringing Filip Skokan on as a third 
programmer on the certification project.  He has already made substantial 
contributions on a volunteer basis.

3.       Liaison Update
Don and Nat spoke to the ITU-T about FAPI and other related work.

4.       Marketing Update
The marketing committee is looking at a small contract with a third-party 
resource shared with OIX for that party to participate in social media channels 
for the foundation.  Don will report back with further details as they develop.

5.       Calendar Update
Don and Mike Leszcz are working on a calendar update they plan to publish in 
the next few days.

6.       Native Applications BCP and OpenID Foundation Links
John is in the AUTH48 process for the IETF Native Applications BCP.  Currently 
the AppAuth references are directly to the GitHub repository.  William Denniss 
and John were thinking it would be good to have the spec point to stable OpenID 
Foundation hosted links.  Mike suggested doing this in  John 
will work with Mike to create these links.

As an aside, we discussed that certification applications for the AppAuth 
libraries have not yet been submitted.  John will ask William, etc. about 
making this happen.

7.       JWT Library Validation
Adam proposed creating JWT validation software to the OpenID Connect working 
group. Mike Jones replied to the working group proposing specifics that should 
be tested.  Adam and a new program manager on his team will discuss this on an 
upcoming OpenID Connect working group call.  Mike asked whether this would be 
black-box testing or testing that calls the library APIs directly.  Adam said 
that that hadn't been decided yet.  We want to include developers of existing 
high-quality libraries in this effort.

8.       FAPI Spec Improvements
The foundation paid Carla Roncato to make editorial improvements to the two 
existing FAPI specs.  Mike asked when these will be posted at 
 John didn't know, and Nat wasn't on the call.  Mike will follow up via e-mail.

9.       Upcoming Meetings and Events
The next face-to-face board meeting is during IIW, which is October 17-19.  
There will be a workshop at PayPal that Monday, October 16th.  There will be 
another executive committee call before IIW on October 5th.

[Nat Sakimura joined the call at this point]

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