It's a few years since I used OpenSolaris and I was wondering if
anyone is working on UEFI Secure Boot for the open source Solaris-like
operating systems.

I have looked at the oi-dev-151a5; NexentaStor-Community; OmniOS and
SmartOS installation media and none of them appear to support UEFI
booting (no "EFI" directory).

My target system is a Supermicro X9SAE (Intel C216 chipset) with an
Intel Xeon E3-1275 v2 (Ivy Bridge) CPU.  It has AMI Aptio firmware
(EFI Specification Revision 2.3.1; Version 4.6.53).

Windows 8 Enterprise Evaluation installs in "UEFI Only" mode as does
Fedora 17 (with some graphics problems).

I have tried installing from several of the distributions in "Legacy
Only" mode but none of them went far, possibly because it is rather
close to the leading edge.
John Connett

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