On 05/31/11 12:47 PM, Dustin Marquess wrote:
Currently I'm running OI 151 as a Xen 4.1.1 domU.  While I have a
couple of other domUs on this server, the OI domU is my 'main' VM.

Because of this, I'm thinking of redoing the machine and installing OI
on the barebones hardware, and then using VirtualBox headless to run
the other VMs when I need them.  That way OI can get all of the
resources 95% of the time.

Last time I tried doing this I was running VBox on top of FreeBSD.
While it worked, after an hour or so the entire server would
hard-lock, so I had to go back to Xen.

Has anybody done something similar under OI?  Has is the stability?
I'm hoping since Solaris&  VirtualBox are both Oracle products that it
would work well, but that's just a guess.


Hi Dustin,

I had issues with the early VirtualBox 4.0.x releases. I had to go back to VB 3.2.12 a number of times before I settled on 4.0.6 and then 4.0.8.

The early 4.0.x releases would lock-up the VM or Solaris Express *solid* within a few days. VB 3.2.12 was rock solid.

I would go with Xen or ESXi if my pay cheque depended on it :)


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