* Ken Gunderson <kgund...@teamcool.net> [2011-05-17 21:30]:
> I'm not subscribed to oi-dev and short on time so will post here.
> Testing 148b I note that mouse wheeling over gnome switcher does not
> change desktops.  Until, I right click and go to preferences.  At which
> time it crashes and prompts for reload.  After which switcher now
> responds to mouse wheel scrolling.  This is repeatable.

Does this only happen with 148b? There should be no difference
between gnome-applets in 148 and 148b. Anyway, please file a bug
at https://www.illumos.org/projects/openindiana/issues. It would
also be helpful if you included a backtrace from the crash there.
Guido Berhoerster

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