I know this is Sun/Solaris and not OI, but just saw an interesting tidbit that 
may be something we may want to keep in the back of our minds. Seems to me if 
it's in Solaris it'll probably also be an issue in OI at some point.

Evidently there's been periodic timeouts and other issues on storage systems at 
a large email provider using ZFS for its backend storage. They've been having 
intermittent delays and problems with people accessing their mail. They just 
posted the following detail:

> Oracle/Sun - believes they have identified a previously unknown bug in the 
> ZFS kernel that is causing locking contention on our system during peak 
> volumes

Unfortunately I don't have further details. Something to keep in mind if it 
bites someone later. And hopefully the fix will get identified and released by 
Oracle if they do find it and fix it, but I won't be holding my breath.

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