On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 9:44 AM, Dirk Schelfhout <dirkschelfh...@mac.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> running 147
> I recently had a system hang / crash
> where the system rebooted.
> I was copying files using the gui
> from 1 raidz zpool to another raidz zpool. ( 20 gig or so )
> How do I document this. didn't find anything in the log files .
> Which log file should i look for.
> do I have to turn on core dumping ?
> Where do I report this ?
> Dirk

When your system panics, it will attempt to save a crash dump in the
dedicated dump volume. Automatic extraction of crash dumps is not
enabled by default, but you can run 'savecore' to extract the dump
after creating the directory for them. Then 'run savecore -f <file>'
to uncompress the dump. You can use mdb to inspect the crash. If you
want to enable automatic crash dump extraction for later, run
'savecore -y'

# pkg install mdb
# dumpadm
      Dump content: kernel pages
       Dump device: /dev/zvol/dsk/rpool/dump (dedicated)
Savecore directory: /var/crash/ichiban
  Savecore enabled: no
   Save compressed: on
# mkdir /var/crash/`hostname`
# savecore
# cd /var/crash/`hostname`
# savecore vmcore.0.z
# mdb 0 <<EOF

You can file a bug on our issue tracker via
http://bugs.openindiana.org/ although the report may be moved the
illumos-gate if it's not specific to OI. Be sure to include
information describing how to reproduce the crash if possible as well
as the output from mdb.


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