thank you for your reply !
I am personally more focused on linear algebra and partial differential
equations so I started packaging PETSc, Metis, Hypre etc..
I will add Scilab and Paraview when I have the time.
Feel free to join the pkgbuild-sfe mailing list or the IRC to discuss how
we can add your contributions.
I you can send me spec files for ImageJ and MIPAV following these


Just copy/paste your configure steps (it does not have to work) and I can
do the modification to make it work, then submit it to the SFE project.

R 2.15.2 is available through the spec-file-extra repository, I need to use
pkgtool application to create the IPS package from the .spec file.

A good way to get more people to contribute to SFE would be to create an
IPS package setting up the pkgbuild environment thanks to IPS actions.
Anyone knowledgeable and willing to help ?

I really think we should contribute to increase the user base, avoid
duplicate work and move forward.


On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 6:39 PM, Bryan Iotti <ironsides.med...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Excellent idea!
> Myself, I use the R statistics software, ImageJ and MIPAV, but I'd really
> like the ease of use of searching for an IPKG package and downloading it...
> Nowadays I find I mainly look for java apps for the ease of portability.
> R is available, although old, from CSW.
> Bryan
> On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 6:16 PM, Aurélien Larcher <
> aurelien.larc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > Hi,
> > I would like to enquire whether someone would be interested in
> > developing some kind of scientific software packaging initiative ?
> >
> > I am a post-doc researcher in applied and computational math and I am
> > using OpenIndiana on my workstation and personal computing nodes.
> > To the question "Why ?", I would reply that it's mainly about having the
> > possibility to setup a RAIDZ on the workstation and then benefiting from
> > better data "safety" (few horror/corruption stories with ext3...), using
> > snapshots for my data sets and results, as well as the possibility to
> > rollback if a new version of numerical libraries breaks something (or
> > even just an upgrade).
> > Another good point is the good support of Nvidia graphic cards and the
> > fact that something on the system is not breaking after every single
> > upgrade...
> >
> > To this regard OpenIndiana is a very good working environment for a
> > researcher.
> > The main drawback is that it requires lots of "manual" installations
> > which any researcher/engineer cannot afford.
> > Before considering using optimized libraries, one is mainly concerned
> > about just doing his research work :)
> >
> > As the compilation and upgrade of numerical libraries and application
> > tends to be tedious and as I need to upgrade PETSc and friends, I am
> > taking the time now to package any software I am using at work.
> >
> > I am currently packaging TeXLive, LaTeX Gedit plugin, Scilab, Paraview
> > and linear algebra and PDE solver software which have been using in the
> > past years.
> >
> > I am using pkgbuild and SFE and here is a link to a sandbox where I
> > started pushing spec files I wrote this week:
> >
> > https://bitbucket.org/alarcher/oi-scientific/wiki/Home
> >
> > Related to this, I have then few questions:
> >
> > - - What can be a good way to collaborate on packaging scientific
> software
> > ?
> > - - Should we provide the packages through the OI SFE repository or a
> > separate one ? Then how ?
> > - - Should we focus on using GCC 4.6.3 provided by SFE ? (I personally
> > don't have the time to handle SUNCC gotchas if any :S)
> > - - Where should the "OI Scientific" project by hosted ?
> > - - How should we handle dependencies to OI packages ? (for instance Ant
> > from OI is too old for some software I am using).
> >
> > Moreover, if there are enough people interested I would advocate having
> > a system similar to Debian Sciences with few maintainer per package and
> > for each a separate repository with spec files, copyright, patches,
> > etc... (something like Redmine ?).
> >
> > So if you are interested in a joint effort in that direction, I would be
> > glad to hear you suggestions.
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Aurélien
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
> > Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined - http://www.enigmail.net/
> >
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> > zPX83g9ychjAq/8xaHMt/ADt0isjhGXoofKR0UAvzPyy5eXhbvIfB2wxVHe9e/GC
> > zJbwAd984K5iAtEyp/AE7TpqGlx1Z1Tdt5aTyYs3BMxPSIEp7CUbjVecp/0kShoh
> > UmnqErmpTUEe+cVRw9EV5R4LTpBDcdahNzcm0F2cogMbKxxMn2EgGeqHh8Jkd2I6
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> > =nKLb
> > -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
> >
> >
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> > OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list
> > OpenIndiana-discuss@openindiana.org
> > http://openindiana.org/mailman/listinfo/openindiana-discuss
> >
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> OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list
> OpenIndiana-discuss@openindiana.org
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LARCHER Aurélien            | KTH, School of Computer Science and
Work: +46 (0) 8 790 71 42   | Lindstedtsvägen 5, Plan 5
Mob.: +46 (0) 7 09 46 40 17 | 100 44 Stockholm, SWEDEN
Praise the Caffeine embeddings ...
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