I use Atril 1.20.1 from my MATE 1.20 port, which is said that it "has had a massive overhaul and is better in every single way" and it's able to display the PDF. From `top` it seems that Atril starts with 600 MB of RAM and after couple of minutes of skimming thru the document Altril takes 1300 MB of RAM.

Before MATE 1.20 is integrated, your best chance is to use `pdfseparate` to divide the file to smaller pieces.


On 06/12/18 04:35 PM, Predrag Zečević - Technical Support Analyst wrote:
Hi all,

$ uname -rosv
SunOS 5.11 illumos-8dff726270 illumos

and tried to open pdf:
$ ls -hal Red_Hat_Directory_Server-10-Administration_Guide-en-US.pdf
-rw-r--r-- 1 predrag_zecevic admin 14M Jun 12 11:25 Red_Hat_Directory_Server-10-Administration_Guide-en-US.pdf

and got empty screen with errors on terminal screen:

$ atril Red_Hat_Directory_Server-10-Administration_Guide-en-US.pdf
(atril:28877): Gtk-WARNING **: drawing failure for widget 'EvView': out of memory (atril:28877): Gtk-WARNING **: drawing failure for widget 'GtkScrolledWindow': out of memory (atril:28877): Gtk-WARNING **: drawing failure for widget 'GtkBox': out of memory (atril:28877): Gtk-WARNING **: drawing failure for widget 'GtkPaned': out of memory (atril:28877): Gtk-WARNING **: drawing failure for widget 'GtkBox': out of memory (atril:28877): Gtk-WARNING **: drawing failure for widget 'EvWindow': out of memory (atril:28877): Gtk-WARNING **: drawing failure for widget 'EvView': out of memory (atril:28877): Gtk-WARNING **: drawing failure for widget 'GtkScrolledWindow': out of memory (atril:28877): Gtk-WARNING **: drawing failure for widget 'GtkBox': out of memory (atril:28877): Gtk-WARNING **: drawing failure for widget 'GtkPaned': out of memory (atril:28877): Gtk-WARNING **: drawing failure for widget 'GtkBox': out of memory (atril:28877): Gtk-WARNING **: drawing failure for widget 'EvWindow': out of memory

I have shutdown all memory intensive GUI programs: firefox, thunderbord - but still problem happens.

Does anyone has clue or it can repeat?

Something is wrong, my desktop has 8GB RAM (from top):
last pid: 28883;  load avg:  3.12,  3.30,  3.34;  up 6+01:37:55

150 processes: 148 sleeping, 2 on cpu
CPU states: 73.0% idle, 16.3% user, 10.8% kernel,  0.0% iowait,  0.0% swap
Kernel: 1648 ctxsw, 93 trap, 1557 intr, 599647 syscall
Memory: 8127M phys mem, 1781M free mem, 8192M total swap, 7902M free swap
ARC:    1969M Total, 624M MRU, 910M MFU, 4258K Anon, 30M Header, 362M Other


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